Everybody was out yesterday in the End of the Rainbow Valley and of course it had to do with the weather and what was blowing in...
I finished my school paperwork as quickly as I could so I could get out to use my new garden gloves. It was time to plant the dahlia bulbs I had purchased last weekend. They were the first of my many plant purchases yet to come. Wink, wink. Natureman had been busy with the rototiller as he was making a new raspberry patch area and had even had roto - tilled the little area in front of the chicken coop where I wanted to plant the dahlias. I wanted to get those bulbs in the ground before that predicted snow.
Dark shadows flew by and I was afraid they were vultures at first coming to pick off a chicken. But thank goodness it was just a pair of turkeys. I had heard their flock earlier on the other side of the valley and I guess these two decided to join the chickens grazing on the hillside.
As I was enjoying being outside playing in the dirt, others were enjoying the beautiful day too. In the pasture all the goats were grazing on the new green emerging and Fluffy the barn goat cat was hanging out with them.
It looked so inviting that I joined them and then Naturman joined us too sitting in the pasture, taking time to enjoy the spring day.
I said Natureman's line before he could get to it, "What could be better than this?" and Natureman smiled knowingly back at me and replied, " Nothing."
And you what? I know he's right...
It's good to see fluffy enjoying the nice weather while she can. Also nice to see the rebar deer with the turkeys. This cold wet rain is such a disappointment, but then again I guess that's what makes us appreciate the nice days when they arrive.