Tuesday, January 26, 2021


We just can't be too careful...

I am thrilled Natureman has his first inoculation in a couple of weeks but unfortunately I was not even given a date. 

And life is not becoming easier trying to avoid catching COVID...

What seemed like a no brainer curbside pickup became a huge stomach ache.  After calling the store upon my arrival, the sales person I had spoken with originally via phone had her day off and the items she was supposed to have collected weren't set aside according to the salesperson who answered the phone. Since there were no cars parked in front of the store I thought, just run in and grab the items quickly.

 With gloves and mask on, I went into the empty store only to discover 5 sales people sitting behind the customer service desk all without masks. 

As the one fellow who asked if he could help me approached, I backed up and asked if he had a mask he could put on. His response was "No." I said I could get him one from my car ( I keep extras) and added that my home is immunocompromised with a stage IV cancer patient. He didn't even wince, much less apologize for being maskless. This situation could've turned me into the real 'K'uarantine Karen...

But as my anxiety increased, the realization was I couldn't patronize this establishment as much as I do want to support local vendors. I didn't fetch that extra mask and left, getting more agitated until I was fuming by the time I got home.

Why couldn't they have posted a note on the door stating they weren't following the state mandate of wearing masks? Doesn't the customer deserve that courtesy? All I can say if be careful out there...

We all have received numerous instructions regarding the prevention of COVID19 along with other coronaviruses and flus. Even though the advice may seem obvious, perhaps, we need a reminder as these include: 

1. Wearing a face mask.

2. Maintaining at least six feet of distance between yourself and         others.

3. Avoiding large gatherings.

4. Socializing outdoors.

5. Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

6. Minimizing touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

7. Staying home when you are sick.

8. Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash.

9. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces regularly.

10. Washing your hands often with soap and water.

Of course, it is our responsibility to follow the fore mentioned. 

The hand washing also came with advice about removing rings. Last March our kitchen fairy became my ring holder. 
My ring fingers really felt naked for a long while but if it was extra insurance to avoid bad germs, so be it. And there they have sat for the almost 11 months. While I was typing this I wondered if my rings still fit.
Whew, what a relief they do still fit!

Fingers crossed we can all be careful, stay healthy with rings that  still fit...

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