Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The planners of our book group club's Mineral Point overnighter did a great job of planning stops, lodging and eateries.  So don't get me wrong if I say the best part of the 48 hours was the unplanned part.

Upon our return walk from a yummy dinner wafting through the air was singing. Whether it was chorale practice/ a performance at the Shake Rag Arts Center, our neighbor, our group set out to investigate as I headed in to shower and remove the day's dust and sweat.

I hurriedly jumped in the shower to cool off, clean up and then head out to join the others.  It took a bit of sleuth work as the music had stopped and following voices might have led into a private party. As luck would have it, there in a small outdoor theater in a wooded clearing the musical The 25th  Annual Putnam 's County Spelling Bee's cast was in rehearsal.

We were invited to be an honorary audience. Unbeknownst to me was that preceding my arrival, the others had given their names and were to be participants in the Spelling Bee.  So much fun to sit back and watch them on stage being middle schoolers.

What a hoot! And their spelling wasn't bad either...

Here's the original cast...
Three of us in this pic... Far left back row, and 3rd and 4th in front

There was an opportunity to Can Can

AND raise the roof!
It was definitely worth the extra mosquito bites to enjoy live theater out in the woods of Mineral Point.  You just can't plan everything. Serendipity reigned!


  1. The unplanned adventure is always the best, it elevates the experience because there aren't any expictations. Spelt wrung of corse.

  2. You always find the fun stuff, I think you're like a magnet for this.
