Friday, July 5, 2013

Four Letter Word ... Spelled with More Letters. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I need to start this entry with the comment - Natureman loves his campfires.  SO it came as no surprise that he would want to have a weenie roast to celebrate the Fourth of July.  He doesn't understand that not everybody loves a weenie roast as much as he does. In fact, his partner, namely me, starts dreading them as soon as he mentions his intentions.  We will get to why...

When the rain finally subsided its remains didn't just evaporate as we found out on our Miata excursions last week.  Farmers's fields still had water standing and Mother Nature's handiwork  was pretty apparent in some of the campgrounds with river frontage. Wouldn't you say?

We won't be picnicking here anytime soon unless we wear our rain boots/ bring our canoe.

It also would have been difficult to use the facilities but at least I would know what speed I needed to maintain to get there.

BTW that's the port 'o potty on the right!

Humor is always important at times like this/ else you'd be terribly upset if this was your vacation place.
When I saw these sights, I did feel sorry for those vacationers and all I could think think of was all that standing water. Standing water means breeding grounds for thousands of mosquitoes.

Some of you might be old enough to remember that Off commercial where the guy sticks his arm in the aquarium filled with swarming mosquitoes and they all avoid his arm because he has sprayed with the insect repellant.  Well, let me just say that wouldn't have been my arm.

Mosquitoes love me.  They are my 4 letter word spelled with more than four letters. It has to be the plural too because more than one will find me.  I can rub, spray/ douse/ heck bathe in any repellant and they will find me and bite. Some people are blessed to not be bothered by them, I am not one of those. The bite immediately starts swelling and oh I start itching.

AND when you have a summertime weenie roast and want to eat before dark, translated 9pm, you have to gather when the mosquitoes are out in force : DUSK. (There's a 4-letter word.) Last night was no exception.

We live in the woods, there are going to be mosquitoes.  All I can is they are going to be well fed this year in the End of the Rainbow Valley...


  1. Oh you poor tasty morsel you. They seem to avoid me...maybe it's the lack of bathing in our new camping life. Or perhaps you are attracting the mosquitors that want to keep kosher :).
    Is that Goose Island? It was starting to look pretty good when we left.

  2. These were from Battle Ax Campgrounds en route to Lansing. These rains came after you left.
