With all the daily rain we have had the last 2 weeks the farmers haven't had dry enough fields to use their tractors to either plow/ hay.
SO it's understandable that they having been burning the midnight oil with this dry window of opportunity the last 48 hours. Their machinery has been very busy working as the sights of the neighboring fields confirm.
We took a Miata jaunt to enjoy the neighborhood and admired the newly turned earth for planting and sections of field with cut hay in 'windrows.'
(My new farm word of the week means: long lines of raked hay laid out to dry in the wind) while awaiting a good day/two to be baled.
It not only was a breathtaking sight but the air was heavy with the 'green' smell of newly cut hay. While we in the End of the Rainbow Valley were busy at our Father's Day Cookout playing badminton and bocce, our farming neighbors obviously didn't have time for such frivolity...