Monday, July 22, 2013


There's something happening in a lot of communities around the U.S. and I was reminded about this charming phenomena this past week again.  It's something that helps community building through sharing and this time it's through reading.

Reading?  Yes, reading.  Little Free Libraries. We all have books lying around at home, right? So when you are through with a book you purchased/ were given, you place it inside this box that appears to be a very large bird house on a stick on private/public property. I first saw these mini libraries in a Milwaukee suburb in a residential yard near the sidewalk where a passerby can peruse its contents and borrow/ take a book. The understanding is that you will either return the book when you finish/ perhaps donate a book to its contents yourself.

The homemade libraries are causing quite a stir as you can see by my book group, the Happy Hookers on our outing to Mineral Point.

Mineral Point, WI
These libraries come in all shapes. Sometimes they are built by one person as a fundraiser/ individuals purchase/build their own. I personally have seen garden shed shaped, castles, church cottages/ houses. There were some for sale in a gallery we saw for $300.00 so they are definite pieces of art and can be personalized / as plain as you'd like.

This library gem was in Stockholm, WI
I have given serious  thought  about having one as we certainly have the yard space and interesting reading material ... but do you think I'd get much traffic back here in the End of the Rainbow Valley?

Nah, me neither. I guess I will just have to enjoy these Little Free Libraries in someone  else's yard...
Are you game?


  1. Oh if I only had a yard I would have loved to do something like this. I wonder if the Pump House would be open to something like this in their area. The new garden area behind the Pump House would be perfect for an artisitc looking house. It might be a fun collaboration of various artists to create and install. Check with Toni and see what she says and be sure to tell her hello for me!

  2. Ooooh oooh - another thought would be the Friendship Gardens for a mini library.
