Thursday, July 6, 2023


For Foto Friday you are going to see something I had never seen before.  

Take a read and a look...

I discovered this prehistoric-looking creature residing in the irrigation control center box.  The space had filled up with rain water and this ? was resting atop one of the valves. Luckily, the control I needed to turn off was on the opposite side. There was no way I wanted to touch this thing...

The following day I returned with my camera to take a picture but he was nowhere to be found and sticking my hand in the muck was not in the game plan. Heck no. A couple days passed and upon telling my fears to my neighbor that the next time I pulled the lid off and put my hand in to get the control this monster would have grown in size and  would open its big mouth and take a chunk out of it.He had doubled in size when I saw him again 

                                Do you know what this is?

They actually can grow to 6 inches and has a life expectancy of 2 years. Yes, I know what it is, do you?

Thank you for all your guesses Salamander/skink, snake, newt... My friend Sue got it correct with slug.

Limax maximus (literally, "biggest slug"), known by the common names great grey slug and leopard slug, is a species of slug in the family Limacidae, the keeled slugs.[4] It is among the largest keeled slugs, Limax cinereoniger being the largest.

Limax maximus is the type species of the genus Limax. The adult slug measures 10–20 cm (4–8 in) in length and is generally a light greyish or grey-brown with darker spots and blotches, although the coloration and exact patterning of the body of this slug species is quite variable.

This species has a very unusual and distinctive mating method, where the pair of slugs use a thick thread of mucus to hang suspended in the air from a tree branch or other structure.

MOTHER NATURE is really interesting so I found you a video of these slugs mating. Do watch it to its completion...


TRANSLATED you know I don't have a mate. LOL

This cartoon version is worth your time if you watched the first video. I can't stop smiling seriously this is the title : IF YOU THINK YOUR SEX LIFE IS HARD , TRY BEING A SLUG


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