Wednesday, July 1, 2020


My Mom always told me nothing can ever replace good health... Amen on that when you discover one of your loved ones is ill. Not only do families suffer physical and emotional burdens but also substantial financial ones.

In fact, Natureman's cancer may have been caught sooner had he not avoided incurring medical costs of even yearly health visits. He, like many on limited incomes have to make this decision. 

But then when disease / a pandemic hits who gets hit the hardest?

In our household Natureman's bill looks like just for his duo med combo treatment of Infusions @ $20,000 every 3 weeks and his pills which he takes twice a day are $400 per day. That's not including his labs nor his physician visits at those 3 week appointments. Fortunately for us we have help.  Age helps as does paying for a supplement. 

Medicaid has been a lifesaver to many but needs to be expanded. In fact, Wisconsin's Governor Evers and Lt. Governor Barnes were elected on a platform standing for healthcare reform but everyone from the man in the White House to our very own Wisconsin GOP leaders are standing in the way. 

A recent interview from UpNorthNews stated: 

"It is not new news that Wisconsin ranks as one of the worst states for African Americans in terms of health care disparities, incarceration rates and poverty statistics. Consider the fact that while African Americans make up 6 percent of Wisconsin’s population, they account for 19 percent of total COVID-19 cases and 35 percent of virus-related deaths, according to the state Department of Health Services. Similarly, Hispanics represent 7 percent of the state’s population, but 34 percent of the total cases and 10 percent of the COVID-related deaths." 

Expanding Medicaid would bring $1 billion into the state to help our minority populations and alleviate these disparities.  Nobody is going to get voted out of office for allowing folks to have better health.

It's a no brainer... Don't take your / others's health for granted.

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