Monday, July 27, 2020


FOTO FRIDAY: Trying to find the perfect time to paint the birdfeeder post has been a challenge inbetween the heat, rain and insects. 

Art teacher friend Sally was consulted and reminded me to start with a sketch and brighten up colors by adding white to make them pop... Okay, I'm working on it. Photos really help one see issues too. So  I'm just saying it's a work in progress.

The plan is in motion with 4 sides = 4 different sketches. Each side will feature one flower and one bird for sure. 2 sides are almost done but still being tweaked. I just had to share prematurely as butterflies and insects will also be added...

Yep, brightening  needed below

The northside features SUNFLOWERS and the cardinal ... 

While the southside's coneflowers have a gold finch...

It's not even done and the birds are showing up for the preview along with y'all! 

Guess it's a 'bird's eye' viewing... 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Aura. BTW the granddaughter took home her mosaic kidney table we made together. Thanks for your suggestions.
