Now it seems grocery shopping has taken on new challenges especially for our immuno compromised household. Although we might both be updating what the shopping lists contain, it is I who has become the one who logistically plans out the how and when. Curbside pickup has been a godsend.
Take yesterday for example the 7 am grocery trip run into town due to needing canning jar lids. Yep, the garden has started to produce. And it was going to be a dilly bean canning day.
Canning also means it's time to defrost the freezer and discover what we still have in its bowels and make room for the garden newbies. My early rising helped for getting the procedure underway. First, lining up all the ice chests and depositing its insides. Then the upright freezer's thawing process began while I ran to town for the grocery run...
Wouldn't you know that one crucial item on that grocery curbside pick up, canning lids was what no longer in stock? GRRRRR. None of the other local stores would be open for another hour. Dang. Start the new list... Canning lids.
It turns out after returning home and checking the internet, folks have begun hoarding again. One gal had bragging rights for clearing out her supplier's shelves of 60 boxes of canning lids. She boasted of not only being able to supply her family but also having extras for future years. Okay that's just plain selfish...
The challenge of shopping curbside will continue to bring more stories. Walgreen's is on the list for the next trip for essentials and Ace is on the way so the 50 lb bag of birdseed can be replaced along with their 4 boxes of canning lids ... Yep, I jazzercised at 6:15 and ran into town and we have our hygiene products, bird seed and canning lids.

The most important discovery is what's already made and frozen - as I will not need to purchase more groceries for some meals nor cook as much... Priceless.
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