Friday, February 16, 2018


FOTO FRIDAY this week has double meaning as during visits with baby Hannah  I've been singing that diddy Little Bunny FooFoo with wild gesturing of hopping through the forest and adding over exaggerated facial expressions.  She just smiles and giggles at me. Who cares she has no clue as to the song's meaning as it ends with the good fairy poofing the hare into a goon and exclaiming  "Hare today, goon tomorrow."

Taking the saying a step further with that play on words hare/ here or hare/hair. Here in the End of the Rainbow Valley we have signs warmer weather  really is coming. Romeo, our dog, is starting to shed again. Big tufts of hair are being replaced with a lighter coat. "Dust bunnies" are appearing on the concrete floor with dog hair amidst them. The poor vacuum cleaner never gets a break.

Romeo is not the only one losing hair. Natureman's winter hair needed some trimming so yours truly with scissors in hand attacked that head of hair.  

And I guess he could also now utter Hare today, goon tomorrow. 

How 'bout your household, are you ready for your spring haircut?

Last week's FOTO FRIDAY was BAGGING IT and I wasn't talking about the goats.

My original HARE TODAY, GOON TOMORROW posting when I donated 14" inches of hair and Natureman really got buzzed in solidarity. 

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