Monday, June 12, 2023


For the last 16 days there have been a lot of firsts...  I started babyproofing before the Atlanta crew's arrival and glass coffee tables were disassembled and hidden behind bigger pieces of furniture. 

This is the first time I have been under the same roof with a grand much less two for this length of time and under my own roof no less.
Bear with me as I 're'count other firsts.

Naivete was not a part of my thinking mode re: boundaries.  This visit would not be anything short of challenging. I appealed for gates for Mr. J but unfortunately, all but one was too small for the larger-than-normal openings. Drats.

Kitchen access couldn't be denied and even tape could not prevent this ambulatory child from access to no-no drawers. In fact, the kid utters no-no before gaining access to their contents.

Outlet covers had to be ordered as even nite lights would be removed by Mr. J who turned one a couple months ago. He is one busy, curious creature.

Just Ms H and I went to Children's Theatre just like my Mom used to take her Mom. Then, Ms H  enjoyed a morning dance camp her first week and it was my first recital of hers to witness. 

She attended Lego Camp, a first, for her.  We even shared her first snowcone. Strawberry flavor, of course, because it is pink!

Lo and behold, last night she lost her 'first' baby tooth and 'Tina' the Tooth Fairy found her right here in Arkansas!

And by the end of Mr. J's stay he was crossing rooms with Frankenstein-like steadiness upright on 2 legs, improving greatly the last four days. Here he shows off his first major hike to get to his cousin B.  in her new place.

He also was teething so there was a lot of drooling and wet clothing at both ends. Nap schedule was bascially no schedule as a shrilling cry required the ole Crash and Burn method sometimes if he would not give up. 

This Bubbe had a first with 3 nights and 4 days with both kids completely alone. And they were both alive, unscathed when their Mom returned. Ms H and I even got workbook assignments done. 

But being on backup for bottle duty had me sleeping with one ear open... 

Tomorrow night promises a better sleep for all of us not just because we are back on our schedules and turf but also because we have the best kind of sleep medicine. it's called exhaustion.


  1. Hurrah for you!! Mission accomplished!

  2. It wasn't Mission Impossible!

  3. You'd had practice, albeit several years ago. Admit it - you loved it!

  4. A good kind of tired!! Memories treasured for sure! Sweet dreams 😴
