Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Today marks the second year of my Natureman's passing. In some ways, those two years have sped by and yet there were many days that seemed to last an eternity.

Upon working in a storage area this week  I came upon a very important folder in one of the plastic bins. It had been my folder of talks delivered at friends' important events. But on top of those papers unknown to me, a new set had been placed by none other than my Natureman. 

Irv had been working for months on letters he would give each of his sons. Although he did not share those private letters with me, he had also written his family history including his marriage and days of being a father. What a treasure! 

Also amidst these papers was Irv's 2020 acceptance speech for the MLK award which seems especially poignant to share today in celebration of his life... 

" Thank you to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King La Crosse celebration committee for this award and those who submitted my nomination.

The picture of me cropped from others who were present, was taken 50 years ago on May 4th 1970 at the University of Minnesota, two weeks after the first Earth Day. At the time, the U.S. was engaged in the Viet Nam War.

There was an encroachment into Cambodia. The student left organized a nationwide non-violent campus strike and four students were murdered at Kent State famous in this action by the Ohio National Guard.

The 60s are noted as a time of incredible social change facilitated by the cultural zeitgeist. The Civil Rights Movement provided a template for change. Young people understood that the way things were was not the way things had to be. Individuals provided vision and inspiration. But, change came from many, including faith communities.  There was an understanding that all work for just was connected and at times needed to be disruptive.

The change of that time was informed and came from the work of 50 years and more of previous struggle, the work, especially of the NAACP, founded in 1909, first-wave Feminism achieving voting enfranchisement in 1919, the old left, and environmental advocates such as Wisconsin's own John Muir and Aldo Leopold.

Why this history?  We again are at a cultural tipping point 50 years from the iconic changes wrought in the past. The world is on fire in so many ways. Many who have worked to this moment are now in their 70s, perhaps in poor health. We are passing the torch of change to those who understand history and will continue the struggle for a more just society. The time is now and La Crosse is the place to be. A good website to be informed of local actions is Coulee Progressives. 

Pick up the torch and become involved!" Irving Balto

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