Monday, March 6, 2023


 MONDAY MUSINGS : If one looks at the word 'storm' in Spanish  'tormenta,' you can see an English word, and that torment conjured up  PTSD for me

When I lived in the End of the Rainbow Valley, we were indeed tormented by rainstorms which sometimes caused flooding. The house was luckily spared but the access to the outside world was not always so lucky. Would I be able to get into town that day? How much work awaited us for cleanup?

Upon daylight after severe storms, I would walk down our 1 mile drive to see what damage had been done. Were there any downed branches/ trees, would chainsaw work be needed? Was the end of the driveway / approaches to the bridge washed out/ passable. One never knew what awaited us. It wasn't ever year but when a 500 and 1000 year floods start happening more frequently, PTSD  was part of major thunderstorms.  

This past week Arkansas had some 70 degree weather and on its heels strong winds blew in which might require  'battening down of the hatches ' with 2 days of tornado warnings accompanying them. 

I didn't even have Balto to pace with me to indicate how worried I should be. Dogs have heightened senses and he would always head straight to the inside bathroom which had no windows. Smart animals.

I went to bed early because I knew I would be awakened once the thunder and lightning got started.

The good news is no tornadoes touched down in this urban city area although many were inconvenienced by lost utilities/ water issues with all the rainfall. 

I do have a new friend and I feel she is going to be a lot busier here in Arkansas than in the End of the Rainbow Valley at this time of the year especially...



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