Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Today, June 21st will always hold a special place in my heart as it is the anniversary of my first date with Natureman, my soulmate. 

Since we never 'formally' tied the knot with a ceremony we chose this date, June 21st  as our anniversary date.  We wrote to each other daily after meeting on Jdate, an online Jewish dating site, for an entire month before ever meeting/speaking on the phone. No texting back in '02 either. 

We learned about each other through the 'ancient' art of online correspondence.' LOL. Imagine that! And when we met, we had an unusual bond of understanding a lot about each other already. The man did not know small talk.

That first date in Madison, a halfway point between our 2 homes lasted 9 hours, much longer than the prescribed 2-hour limit. Bike riding, bubbly, cooling off in the lake, ice cream at the union and a very late lunch/early dinner were memorable to say the least. 

A second date was in place before that first kiss goodbye.

And as they the rest is history, 20 years with my soulmate. Here's us on Times Square on a billboard with other Jdate success couples. I touted us as "The Senior Poster Children of Jdate." 

Today I will be toasting those full almost 20 years thanks to an online dating service bringing us together. I was lucky. I sure do miss my Natureman today and every day... He definitely was one of a kind.