Monday, June 6, 2022


This would not be the first time I have spoken about a cardinal seeming to appear at times of uncertainty.

 "The most common interpretation of this is a message from a departed love one."

 Its presence always gives me goose bumps.
And so it happened twice this past weekend... 

Last Thursday was an overwhelming day for me with news of Balto, my 8 yr Husky Shepard Texan rescue dog having kidney cancer of all things, the very same disease Natureman had. The tears were uncontrollable as I know what that means. I was given 4 different scenarios of how to deal with it. 

When I went to do my daily shift at my Dad's house the following day, my Dad was sitting in his recliner next to the living room picture window and the curtain was drawn about 4 feet. Usually, it is closed due to the glare on the TV, but, Friday it was drawn and as I was relaying the different medical possibilities for Balto to my Dad, a cardinal flew up to the window and perched on a low branch as I spoke of palliative care and flew off when I finished. I knew right then and there the path I needed to take... 

Follow this up on Sunday in Trinity Episcopal Church for a concert in honor of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II where I sat down next to my elementary school buddy Kaye. My mind wanders during the magnificent organ solo as to my weekend decision making.

 Kaye nudges me and points to the needlepoint kneeler in front of me. This is what I see...

Kaye lost her husband 6 months before I lost mine. If this is not divine intervention, I do not know what is...

American Idol's HunterGirl's RED BIRD (click on link) The first time I heard HunterGirl sing this song I looked out my den window and there sitting on the railing was my very own Red Bird. He stayed until the song was over. Leaving me with leaky eyes...


  1. I believe in signs and you definitely had a special messenger. I know how hard it is to lose a furry companion.

  2. Oh Karen, sending hugs! <3
