Monday, June 20, 2022


MONDAY MUSINGS this week is a result of yesterday's conversation with my almost 97-year-old Dad. He wanted to know what I felt were life lessons I had learned from him.  I replied they were manifold but I mentioned a couple which seemed to satisfy his request.

*Everyone is important and to treat everyone with respect. 

My father has never met a stranger. He knew everyone by name where he worked from his colleagues, secretaries, to the person who cleaned his lab. He knew about their lives and visa versa. We could not go anywhere where he wouldn't stop to talk to others whether it was in a park/a restaurant. In fact, he disappeared frequently and when we would find him he would be engaged meeting somebody new.

*The importance of travel for broadening our view of the world, culture- different languages, customs/ food and ourselves. 

Each sabbatical he took us to different continents. And we camped through Europe in '65 and visited the entire island of Taiwan in '73.

*Nothing replaces education.

He didn't care what we chose to study but to love learning and enjoy doing our chosen professions and that learning is neverending.  

* Spending time with our children.

He made private dates with each of us of what we wanted to go/do. He made sure to make time no matter how busy his schedule was... 

I wish I had taped the joy he had in listening to my comments and his responses...

I can only hope I have passed these and the many other lessons on to my children as well.

Leaving you with one of my favorites:



  1. Dr. Sherman ( as I called him!) was always kind to me and had a warm loving nature. I was blessed to live next door to him for 15 years.
