Friday, December 30, 2022


When I was in Jackson, Mississippi not long ago, I decided to go check out their synagogue gift shop to see if they had any Chanuka decorations that I could add to my collection. I didn't find any but what I did find was more precious than anything I could have purchased.

Donning the synagogue's walls were large blown-up photographs.  The man in the closest photo looked really familiar. I kept staring at it and finally decided to get closer to read its small print which read of all places, Little Rock, Arkansas.  Well, I'll be. It was someone I knew- our former Rabbi from the traditional Synagogue some 30+ years ago. He was standing by an open torah scroll with some young students by his side. Upon closer inspection, I scanned the faces and I knew the gal on the far right who was wearing her girl scout uniform very well. I exclaimed excitedly  " That's my daughter! " Wow, what a terrific surprise!

The 4 ft photographs were commissioned to capture Jewish life throughout the South. I actually remember looking at his work at the museum which used to be housed where I went to camp in my younger days. Thanks to a kind patron, the Museum of Southern Jewish Life has now been relocated to New Orleans.  

The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL), a regional nonprofit serving thirteen southern states. was established in 2000, is now housed in this Jackson temple. They are proud to support, connect, and celebrate Jewish life in the South. 

Friday, December 23, 2022



: The boys came through for me this year and I am giving them high praise of their endeavor to help rake up the last dump of leaves from the front yard. 

Thanks Chanuka Harry and Larry. 
                                                 You done good.

I know their mischief will still yield other surprises...

Last week's FOTO FRIDAY relayed  Here We Come a 'Caroling not to be missed as Balto is the star.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

TBT: 2017 Harry and Larry and Another BUBBE !

TBT: Chanuka Harry and Larry do like retelling stories of escapades of past Chanukahs so today we will revisit 2017 when another Bubbe came to visit and make their lives a little more exciting.

 How could that be? Come with us back 5 years ago when they lived in the End of the Rainbow Valley.

Here's the link:ADD ANOTHER BUBBE

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


At 10:40 am Tuesday Balto joined Natureman on his morning walk down our country road back in Wisconsin...

You see our 92 lb Texan rescue Husky Shepherd mix had dwindled down these past 4 months to 42 pounds. To say his appetite waned is an understatement. I had resorted to hand-feeding him 'people' food this past week. This Jewish mother tried everything to get him to eat but even his gusto for chicken, matzoh ball soup, and brisket was minimal. 

The vet tech offered him a chocolate kiss.  I guess if not now, when? You know chocolate is a big no-no for dogs.  Well, he sniffed it and left it sitting on the floor. He wasn't interested. Go figure.

Over 6 months had passed since Balto had been diagnosed with kidney cancer, Natureman's same disease...  This month Balto's legs had begun to splay and betray his attempts to stand up on home's wooden floors and it was also becoming difficult for Balto to jump into the car.  

As I have shared Balto had a super sweet temperament. He loved licking. In fact, we often joked, " he couldn't hold his 'licker.' I was giving him a big last hug and a kiss on his keppe ( head) when he gave me a great big lick. Yep, my eyes are just as leaky now writing this as they were after that last kiss.

Balto was as handsome as he was smart.  He knew I didn't want him on furniture so he would wait until I left to sneak a nap and smoke a cigar on the sofa. Okay, I am adlibbing on that cigar part but he was comfy. Chewy bones would be found under the cushions along with drool spots. I would catch him on the doggy cam and tell him to get off the couch. He would look around the house for me and when he didn't find me, climb back on the sofa. He was never there when I returned.

We were offered to say our goodbyes while sitting on the Vet's couch/floor. Since this was a very special visit, I opted for the couch. Balto was leery even with me reassuring him it was okay to be on their low sofa. 

The Vet entered the room and we spoke of Balto's failure to thrive. I knew it served no purpose to prolong what remained of my gentle giant. The meds took hold quickly. A couple good last pets goodbye and reassuring words of what a good boy he was...

Balto was there for me in my transition moving back to Arkansas. Natureman knew what he was doing asking me to move with Balto. Balto made sure I took breaks unpacking, got out of the house with daily walks, socializing at the doggy park, having someone to welcome me home whenever I returned and made sure we both ate during our grieving. I had to step over him at night to get out of bed.  Balto became my companion as he had been Natureman's.

Balto was so quiet when he came from Texas to live in the End of the Rainbow Valley. He never barked until after after he had lived with us a couple of months.  He also had a voice just like Scooby Doo when he decided to talk. He also could sing.  This video popped up 2 days ago of Balto singing along with Natureman's harmonica playing. When I played it he joined in accompanying himself. What great memories to cherish...

Now both my Balto boys are keeping each other company again... 

Take a listen...

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Including a Peter, Paul and Mary song adds to any holiday music list especially one like the one of  LIGHT ONE CANDLE, a no brainer. It's definitely part of my seasonal repertoire. 

Little Rock friend Martha posted this excerpt of a PBS Holiday special this morning.

 Enjoy and may all our days be brighter with music...



It's that stressful time of the year, especially for those who claim they're
inept at choosing gifts for others. 

 Are you one of those people? 

Remember hearing the phrase, " It's the thought that counts"? 

Parents and teachers used to make sure we had handmade gifts to give our parents. And no matter if the drawing/ project was unrecognizable, it certainly brought a smile to the receiver. And that my dear readers is the gist of gift-giving, to make someone else feel better.

I have been baking and cooking, even assembling hundreds of candy dreidls to share. Yes, of course, I hope the value of my efforts is not lost on the receivers. It's not the monetary cost but a wish to encapsulate the sweetness of holiday time.

Chanuka this year started later than last year but time got away from me also in sending out the seasonal newsletter... but there's always 2023 to welcome in with the past year's catch-up. 

For the first night of candle lighting, I invited 2 guests to share my holiday table. One of my oldest Little Rock friends, Kaye (L), and one of my newest Linda (R) who both helped taste test sweet potato latkes. 

What also helps explain our holiday headwear is they also helped me polish off the bottle of bubbly which was a housewarming gift from La Crosse Jazzerbuddy Beth. Yes, Beth, it spent a year in my frig awaiting this special occasion. Thank YOU.

Toppings include:
 homemade apple sauce, raspberry jam
sour cream & chives, sriracha sauce
The spicy ones are already polished off

Chanuka Harry and Larry were up to their usual holiday shenanigans as you can see as they said they'd Jazzercise with me. They sat more than jumping around and you notice Larry was just lifting the lighter plate of latkes. I do appreciate their efforts. 

No matter what gifts, tangible/not are bestowed upon you this season, do remember,  Love and Peace are worth a whole heck of a lot ...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Listened to Julia Gargano this morning singing today's Tuesday  tune, "Strangers." What a wonderful talent!

Take a listen.


Friday, December 9, 2022


FOTO FRIDAY captured Balto not wanting to miss out singing the tunes of the season. He joined his friend Millie ( actually a cutout of her) in front of her home with her  carolers. 

Picture perfect I'd say, wouldn't you? 

Balto like his Mom enjoys all genres of music.

Any seasonal pics you'd like to share of your pet(s)? Send them my way and I'd love to post them.


Monday, December 5, 2022


 TUESDAY TUNES this week has special meaning during a depressing forecast of a very rainy week which already started. 

A yearly mammogram put mortality back into perspective as a suspicious quadrant drew suspicion after receiving last year's pics didn't help clarify the issue. Scary but I am thrilled to share the end report ended with the words : not atypic and non malignant. 

What's a better pick this month than an upbeat song today as I'm Alive by Michael Franti 's in appreciation of all my buddies. 

I'M ALIVE ... 

 Listen and be thankful for good health!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Since my hair has returned to its former 'fro stage from the 70's this week Chaka Khan was an obvious choice.  TUESDAY TUNES  is her singing Tell Me Something Good . Enjoy:


Friday, November 18, 2022


FOTO FRIDAY: SOUP TIME was brought on by a chill in the early morning air in Arkansans this week and what's better to warm a cold day than a bowl of hearty soup?

 I had a couple of recipes I have been anxious to try since I have a couple drawers full of fall veggies.

Enter Kale, Sausage ( chicken apple) and Potato Soup. 

Hearty for sure with hopes it'll taste as good as it looks simmering.

Do YOU have a favorite soup recipe to share? Send it my way...


Thursday, November 17, 2022


 One of my blessings is making new friends. During this fall I was asked to participate in a community interfaith planning committee for Across Faiths between three congregations:  The Madina Center, Westover Hills Presbyterian, and Temple B'nai Israel.

It was  Sophia (on the right) who started this amazing kickstarter to Peace Week and wishes to step back and pass the responsibility onto others. 

We recently shared an evening at the Tikun Olam ( Mending of the World) recognition dinner.

I feel so fortunate to have been able to be a part of this year's collaboration with our small group who will continue to help make our world a little smaller. Over 130 community members gathered on September 18th to hear religious leaders and laypeople speak about their views on Peace.

Thanks, Sophia for such a beautiful idea to promote Peace...

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Saturday night the Queen of Soul, Aretha, and I spent an evening together as I learned her life's story in the musical R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  I was definitely dancing in my seat the entire evening until they invited us to stand up ...

Although critics disagree on the order of Aretha's Top 10 here they are:











Today's TUESDAY TUNE has to be what became the anthem of the women's movement in the 60's her number one best seller written by Otis Retting.

Take a listen to Aretha singing it in 1967... What a pair of pipes!


Monday, November 14, 2022


I needed alliteration to warm up on this November day with hints of crisp winter temps on what would have been my Mother's 93rd birthday. We were different in many ways but also shared a lot- like neither of us cared for cold weather so this 31-degree day today would not have been welcomed. Brrrrrrr...

Even though I could have written down those coffee measurements to be used for that big percolator for entertaining a large group, it was a good excuse to call home and speak to her. She always had a 'cute story' to share. Her stories were infamous as they were usually embellished beyond recognition.

Mom also loved to entertain and cook. Much later in life, I came to appreciate her homecooked meals after learning not every Mom spent time in the kitchen or was good at beating the pans. She loved to bake with butter (real butter).  Even in her senior years, she tried new recipes for the bridge girls... She would always call me up to share a new find.

Probably like most kids I got to know my Mother better when I became a mother.  And I find myself wishing I had asked her more questions about her life. 

She lived through Hitler's occupation of her homeland and survived, coming to the States as an exchange student when she was 19. She met my father while she was working on her Ph.D. at Iowa.

Being German she was always PÜNKTLICH( on time), in fact always a bit early. I was flying in from Wisconsin to celebrate her 85th birthday that weekend but she died two days before I arrived.

I really do miss chatting with my Mom.

Friday, November 11, 2022


 On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 the Great War officially ended. Due to this historic event declaring peace, it was decided to mark as Armistice Day. Armistice means 'stand still' and therefore 2 minutes of silence are observed to this day in the United Kingdom on the 11th of November.

Today we all remember all our Veterans. There will be no mail and special programming and reduced fees charged our veterans for certain services.

My Dad joined the Navy when he was 17 and needed a parent's signature. He is one of those who rarely spoke about his military experiences especially during the bombing of Nagasaki.

Yesterday during a LifeQuest class titled " What's On Your Mind?" one of the elder members stated how embarrassing it is when folks come up to thank him for his service. He added, " it's our duty as citizens to serve, I don't want to be thanked."

It gives one pause, doesn't it? The thought we should all feel the desire to serve our country... We shouldn't take our soldiers for granted.


 FOTO FRIDAY:FRIENDSGIVING initiated by machatunim (my brother's in-laws) was a welcomed invite after not being able to attend due to COVID last year.

This event takes place in the stadium's press box with a lot of room to mingle.

Everyone brings their favorite 'ZA to share and that's a lot of pizza to devour.                                

         Take a look!

You know me I know not everybody has pizza in their diet so I threw together a farmer's market fresh leafy salad to share with micro greens and Japanese turnips besides the usual fixings. LOL.

Do you have special holiday gatherings which you look forward to attending?


Tuesday, November 8, 2022



My last voting rights march re: Women's Rights...


On this VOTING Day Tuesday and our country needs a lot of fixing here's AGT contestants 1a Chord singing Cold Play's FIX YOU.

Enjoy and Go VOTE if you haven't...

Take a listen.   :FIX YOU

Sunday, November 6, 2022



FOTO FRIDAY: Time to say goodbye to the October Halloween decor and welcome November... 

There used to be 4 bins to put away, but now it is just two. 

The 8 porch Witch Hats will be the last decorations to be taken down...

Leaves are dropping like crazy. 

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it...

Thursday, November 3, 2022


 TBT: Last weekend was my 50th High School reunion and it was absolutely wonderful visiting with a lot of my classmates. I wish we had had more time...

Where did all those years go?

Heck, where did this last year go?

This blogger has found herself missing sleep and this week's much-anticipated doctor's appointment would provide an opportunity to talk about sleep/ lack of it... a common element in the grieving process.

Now don't get me wrong I have always been an early riser but when one is burning the candle at both ends, something's gotta give... and emotionally I was spent.  My calendar had been a bit more hectic than usual.

So these last 2 nights I headed to bed two nights in a row by 8:30. Both nights I caught up on shuteye. Dear readers, we have to take care of ourselves because if we don't, nobody else will.

I had a little help from the Dream Machine ... a tea blend I bought at the Farmer's Market. Whether it was pure exhaustion/the combo with the tea, I will never know. After 2 cups of a beverage before bedtime, that sleep was not exactly continuous, but I did go back to sleep.

I will be more careful to not allow myself to get so run down. I feel so much more rested this morning...  

 I'm back... Taking care of oneself can never be overrated.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Have you ever felt like you wanted to belong to a club and you just didn't have the right prerequisites?  Well, take it from me there's one club in which you really don't want to be a member.

Yesterday after a memorial service of a man I befriended some 30 years ago through children, I was greeted by a friend who looked me in the eyes and uttered what I was thinking, "Another new member." 

This past weekend two old friends lost their spouses and joined this club. Sadly, the club of widowhood is growing with the average age now being 59.

As I have experienced and am experiencing, the three G's will become part of these members' lives. They are Grief, Growth and Grace.

Perhaps some of us have had an early preparation for what will be in store but most of us in that first year must tend to some crucial business things...

1. Taking care of immediate things ( funeral arrangements, notifying..)

2. Finding and organizing key elements 

3. Taking Inventory 

4. Pulling the pieces together

5. Building a team of trusted advisers.

6. Planning for our immediate future and

7. Planning things for our Loved ones

We don't get to choose when we join this club but hopefully we can help others as they join us in the Club of Widowhood.


 TUESDAY TUNES are a flashback after a weekend of flashbacks during a 50th High School reunion. We all probably can admit to gettin' a bit stupid back then... Enjoy and be sure to remember to let loose every once in a while and not take ourselves too seriously... Although in my household STUPID was considered a bad word, I say let's just be careful how stupid we get...

Come on everybody. let's: GET STUPID

Friday, October 28, 2022



FOTO FRIDAY this week is about taking care of oneself with a special treat. Something luxurious. 

The last 7 days have been very emotional and awaiting me this weekend is my 50th High School reunion and continuous phone calls with voices I haven't heard for a long time... I can't wait to see everyone. 

I needed to chill/ warm for me it was low light, candles, soft music and a hot soaking tea bath. 

                                             What a treat! 

Send a pic of some of your favorite treats...

First entry: 

The Munson pooches enjoy the bathroom too...



TUESDAY TUNES is one of those greats from the past. I think an art project is in my future. Thanks to Netflix's  "From Scratch" Otis Redding's:


Friday, October 21, 2022


FOTO FRIDAY this week is a looker. You may have heard through the grapevine I have been hanging around a really good looking Southern guy. 

Tall, dark and handsome? 

Well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad. 

Yes, it's not his height that keeps me on my toes.

                                Take a look and you'll see why!

Last week's FOTO FRIDAY was taken on my field trip to Mississippi. 

This is not the Mississippi River but a very relaxing outing on a much smaller body of water...


Thursday, October 20, 2022


Some things just don't change and yet some of our lives can change a lot in a decade... 

Today 10 years after this blog entry was written I  find myself in Atlanta, returning to Little Rock after a good Bubbe visit not to the End of the Rainbow Valley

( A little funny is it is actually 31 degrees waiting for the school bus in Atlanta this morning but it will warm up to 62)



Snow Birds

One realizes winter's coming when friends like the birds start heading South. You may know these people known as 'Snow Birds' and that's because they are leaving before that white stuff starts falling like the temps up here in the North. We probably won't see them until after the thaw if not later.

The migration actually started earlier this year as friend Cheryl was itching to go way before fall even arrived and hey it wasn't that cold yet but she had to go to bootcamp to learn about her new lifestyle and wheels Seemore, the new motor home. Cheryl now is in Texas.

Then Thursday was Sandy's farewell luncheon before she heads to Florida. That's Sandy on the far right. We're really not that happy that she's leaving but glad for the last opportunity to get together.

Next it'll be Sara who'll head the other direction to Arizona. Remember now it's a tradition for us to eat at the Indian buffet before you depart!

I'll know winter is officially over when these buddies start returning to the area.
Until then, we will be here holding down the fort right here in the End of the Rainbow Valley. Enjoy that warmer weather for us!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 TUESDAY TUNES takes us back to an oldie. Aren't the best love songs the oldie goldies like the Bee Gees? I went to a manicure place in La Crosse who played the Bee Gees non stop and I knew those concert songs by heart. 

Imagine my delight when these Voice contestants did this rendition: Parijitas Bartola and The Marilynds. I am the eternal romantic.

How Deep is Your Love? 



A friend commented recently how fortunate I was to have family and friends close by. 

I do appreciate all these relationships and for those who make the extra effort to come visit no matter where they live. I do indeed feel very blessed... 

 I had just returned from spending time with new friends in Mississippi this past week when my grand nephew puppy Poppy, nephew Matt and his significant other, Roz made sure to include me in their home visit with a Saturday family lunch together at my table. 

It's been a whirlwind to say the least... 

To add to the big week Arizona friends, actually transplanted Wisconsinites, Sara and Mike stopped on their cross-country trek back to the Southwest. I was glad to share the sites as their tour guide as we fit in the Clinton Library, Clinton Bridge Heifer Project and the historic Central High. And we all walked out the door to head to new destinations.


Atlanta gets me for a week with grands and fam... See grand puppy Teddy in the background?

After which I will attend my 50th, yes, 50th high school reunion back in Arkansas with hopes of seeing many of my Hall High classmates at those festivities.

I am feeling very rich indeed... If you haven't contacted a family member/ friend lately, do so and you will feel the wealth of relationships come rolling in...

Ok, so when are you coming to visit ??? 


Thursday, October 13, 2022


 TBT: We too can join the movement to save this planet... 

                                        Say NO to coal.