Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Have you ever felt like you wanted to belong to a club and you just didn't have the right prerequisites?  Well, take it from me there's one club in which you really don't want to be a member.

Yesterday after a memorial service of a man I befriended some 30 years ago through children, I was greeted by a friend who looked me in the eyes and uttered what I was thinking, "Another new member." 

This past weekend two old friends lost their spouses and joined this club. Sadly, the club of widowhood is growing with the average age now being 59.

As I have experienced and am experiencing, the three G's will become part of these members' lives. They are Grief, Growth and Grace.

Perhaps some of us have had an early preparation for what will be in store but most of us in that first year must tend to some crucial business things...

1. Taking care of immediate things ( funeral arrangements, notifying..)

2. Finding and organizing key elements 

3. Taking Inventory 

4. Pulling the pieces together

5. Building a team of trusted advisers.

6. Planning for our immediate future and

7. Planning things for our Loved ones

We don't get to choose when we join this club but hopefully we can help others as they join us in the Club of Widowhood.


  1. Thank you Karen 😘

  2. So true! 8 years now for me! I'm hoping that I can be a help to these new ones!
