Wednesday, December 21, 2022


At 10:40 am Tuesday Balto joined Natureman on his morning walk down our country road back in Wisconsin...

You see our 92 lb Texan rescue Husky Shepherd mix had dwindled down these past 4 months to 42 pounds. To say his appetite waned is an understatement. I had resorted to hand-feeding him 'people' food this past week. This Jewish mother tried everything to get him to eat but even his gusto for chicken, matzoh ball soup, and brisket was minimal. 

The vet tech offered him a chocolate kiss.  I guess if not now, when? You know chocolate is a big no-no for dogs.  Well, he sniffed it and left it sitting on the floor. He wasn't interested. Go figure.

Over 6 months had passed since Balto had been diagnosed with kidney cancer, Natureman's same disease...  This month Balto's legs had begun to splay and betray his attempts to stand up on home's wooden floors and it was also becoming difficult for Balto to jump into the car.  

As I have shared Balto had a super sweet temperament. He loved licking. In fact, we often joked, " he couldn't hold his 'licker.' I was giving him a big last hug and a kiss on his keppe ( head) when he gave me a great big lick. Yep, my eyes are just as leaky now writing this as they were after that last kiss.

Balto was as handsome as he was smart.  He knew I didn't want him on furniture so he would wait until I left to sneak a nap and smoke a cigar on the sofa. Okay, I am adlibbing on that cigar part but he was comfy. Chewy bones would be found under the cushions along with drool spots. I would catch him on the doggy cam and tell him to get off the couch. He would look around the house for me and when he didn't find me, climb back on the sofa. He was never there when I returned.

We were offered to say our goodbyes while sitting on the Vet's couch/floor. Since this was a very special visit, I opted for the couch. Balto was leery even with me reassuring him it was okay to be on their low sofa. 

The Vet entered the room and we spoke of Balto's failure to thrive. I knew it served no purpose to prolong what remained of my gentle giant. The meds took hold quickly. A couple good last pets goodbye and reassuring words of what a good boy he was...

Balto was there for me in my transition moving back to Arkansas. Natureman knew what he was doing asking me to move with Balto. Balto made sure I took breaks unpacking, got out of the house with daily walks, socializing at the doggy park, having someone to welcome me home whenever I returned and made sure we both ate during our grieving. I had to step over him at night to get out of bed.  Balto became my companion as he had been Natureman's.

Balto was so quiet when he came from Texas to live in the End of the Rainbow Valley. He never barked until after after he had lived with us a couple of months.  He also had a voice just like Scooby Doo when he decided to talk. He also could sing.  This video popped up 2 days ago of Balto singing along with Natureman's harmonica playing. When I played it he joined in accompanying himself. What great memories to cherish...

Now both my Balto boys are keeping each other company again... 

Take a listen...


  1. Karen, such great memories. Prayers for comfort.

  2. All I can say Karen, is my heart is hurting for you but being able to envision Natureman and Balto again together is a glorious image. As a side, I think you need to publish something even beyond your blog as your writing is so poignant.

  3. Karen, a last act of friendship for Balto. You made sure he was taken care of and you knew when it was time. I shed tears for you and your boys. Loss can be so hard on us. Take good care of yourself.

  4. Beautiful tribute to your boys…may they rest in peace together…sending you extra love and hugs and strength. ❤️‍🩹

    1. Love Linda B xoxo

    2. The Baltos, two peas in a pod. I can't say which I smiled more at when visiting. He sure did come at the right time in your lives. And he sure made himself comfortable. I loved that he could open the doors to your house all by himself. I sure miss both of those old dogs. I almost went snowshoeing by the creek to remember how much I enjoyed walking and snowshoeing with Irv. Know that we sure miss you...and those old dogs.

  5. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss but my heart is joyful that Balto found such a loving home with you. Loved the video, it sounds like he’s singing. Perhaps he was chanting the morning blessing.

  6. Hi Karen, your tribute to Balto was beautiful, as was/is all of your posts. It is hard to loose the ones we love, and that includes our beloved pets. Take care

  7. So sad to hear about Balto, Karen. He was a lovee, just as his owner was, too. Such odd coincidences between their names, their kidney disease, and more. May both of their memories be for a blessing! Sending hugs!! <3

  8. I am so, so sorry. Such a good soul! Such a pleasure to know him. L-

  9. Thank you all for your comments. My world is better for having Baltos in it...

  10. So sorry for your loss Karen.
    The tribute to Balto was amazing.
    The short time I shared with Balto was awesome, He would greet me at the door when he smelt food on me.
    Your Handsome Giant will be truly missed.
