Thursday, March 19, 2020


We have been socially distancing ourselves earlier than most and now that the first cases of the CoVid19 virus are official in La Crosse County hopefully the population will get it, THIS IS REAL.

Please don't think I'm slacking but I have another day job which is keeping friends informed on Caring Bridge as to what's happening to us in the End of the Rainbow Valley and a little glimpse we get outside of it on 'Infusion' days.

Yep, the infusions will go on as long as health holds up for Natureman and there is staff available to run the clinic.

I got a lecture from my daughter yesterday informing me I was feeding into misinformation. Well, I hope the changed wording on that blog entry helps clarify these are my experiences and opinions shared with both Caringbridge/ Blogspot readership. 

'Our' reality is a scary time as daily news and info changes daily as to what/ what not to do. Besides washing hands/ wearing gloves, do we wear a mask / not when we go in the hospital? We weren't given any suggestions with our appointment reminder. So I made a call beforehand to see if we use a different entrance and whether masks were available.  We were told they would be but they weren't.

There were signs saying beepers were wiped down in between users. Good. I did notice staff at the check in desks wiping down counters, phones,  sign in pads and stylus after each patient. That was a relief as mask wearing Natureman put his hand in his pocket where his hanky is after signing in. He didn't want to wear gloves. 

AND only one patient in the waiting area was wearing a mask... We discovered a staff which was not wearing them. And when asked if staff was required to take their temp when they arrive at work, 
" Nope "was the answer. Is that a wise policy of like 'don't ask, don't tell? ' 

Apparently this department's nurses have only had one member out not feeling well. They are supposed to make their own decision at home if they feel okay.  Understand, their patients are in one of those high at risk groups being immune compromised.  So I just don't get it.

Well, you know where to find us. Back hunkered down in the End of the Rainbow Valley on a Staycay where we have the ease of taking daily walks where we don't run into anybody... masked/ not. San Francisco has banned walking.

Natureman has relegated his mask meanwhile to under the sink with his meds... 

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