Friday, April 18, 2014

FOTO FRIDAY: Don't Be Such a Turkey

This FOTO FRIDAY is to remind us that there are always turkeys in our lives. And so it was yesterday a wild Tom decided it was his driveway and just stood his ground not letting me pass and head to town. Turkeys are not known for their intelligence and I guess he didn't really know a car could run him over/ maybe he just wanted his picture taken.

Finally he decided to walk up the hill with me creeping along behind him. I had time to spare and it's not every day you have an escort. Some days you need more patience than others.

When he eventually saw the neighbors greening grass he left the road.  Winked at me, bidding me farewell and to have a good day. What a turkey! 

Send me your pics of a turkey/s in your life.

Jennifer thought she was trading in coulee scenery when she and her family headed South for spring break. She sent her week's photo from vacationing where she informs us: "Turkeys in Orlando walk freely at the resorts and on the golf courses." 

Who knew they flew South for the winter and were "snowbirds?"

I guess they are smarter than I first thought.

 If you missed seeing the additions to last week's FOTO FRIDAY  click: Al Fresco

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