Wednesday, September 11, 2024


MIDWEEK MUSINGS this week comes on the heels of my Irish adventure and the first Presidential debate. What rang true in both is remembering we all have commonalities... 

Many folks on the tour shared Irish ancestry but we all shared a love of music. So amidst the castles, beaches, cliffs and pubs, we were listeners. We listened to life stories and musical lyrics which reflected the same experiences...

It's time. Time to concentrate on those shared attributes to mend not only our personal daily lives but to take it to a higher level of also playing nice on both our country and world playgrounds.

 We all have the same basic needs...

If a group of people who didn't know each other from Alabama, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Missouri, Oregon and Wisconsin can get along, aspirations for a better future for all is possible...

* Thanks Ewa for capturing our Kumbaya moment

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