Monday, July 15, 2024


A name is a name is a name/ is it? Last Tuesday Mother Nature decided to bring an old friend from my El Paso days back into my life in a different form.  

I had never met a Beryl before 42 years ago and then our paths crossed and we became fast friends and then new mothers. Yet, it was a different Beryl that entered my life last week as I was supposed to embark on a trip westward to meet a new grandbaby. 'Hurricane' Beryl decided to send her path right down Highway 30 with weather predictions veering her torrential downpours and winds eventually lessening and veering north of us before my 5 am departure. 

The airlines had even offered flight changes over 48 hours before the storm with no penalties. Options were to leave later in the week but  since the week before I had finally found an Uber driver who would pick me up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 am for a 4:30 boarding time, I gambled to leave departure time the same but change my connecting flight to a later one just in case there was a delay. The storm was supposed to be gone before takeoff time...

Then another variable entered the plans as I had been asleep barely 3 hours when my cell buzzing awoke me. The texts were from my Uber driver who didn't feel comfortable making the trip as he lived  40 minutes west out in the country. He apologized to which I texted back, "I understood." ( Remember I used to live in the boonies not long ago where roads could wash away/ trees  end up blocking roads... ) 

The wind was howling. It would pour a while and slow down until another gust brought in more rainfall.  I tried Uber unsuccessfully... it said a driver was nearby to please wait, but then no info was forth coming Sorry, try again later. 'Fraid not, no time.

 In between rainfalls the luggage was placed in the car. Keys would be dropped off for my brother to pick up my car later from the airport short term parking as I would text him later. 

Waiting was not easy.  Radar showed a break in rainfall and about 3:30 so I headed to the airport the back way avoiding highway driving with its flooded underpasses. It wasn't raining until right before the airport. Beryl's namesake must have been looking out for me.

Security apparently only opens at 4 and then wouldn't you know TSA agents weren't there so everybody went through the same line. Thank goodness for a smaller airport and this traveller was at the gate with time to spare... Our plane was there but alas a delay. Why ?

 No crew.  Half an hour later we were notified their shuttle driver from their hotel was a no show. Eventually, they appeared with a round of applause and fortunately, I had made that later connecting time in Dallas.

Glitches are just part of travel nowadays. My return trip has to be less chaotic, right?

 Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy this new bundle of joy...


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