Monday, July 29, 2024


 This Monday has me thankful for the reasons to get together to share a meal. An elementary school friend initiated a group to reunite monthly to celebrate birthdays. It was one social date that enabled me to join in going to eat lunch out with other women of the same age. We all had gone to school with each other in elementary, junior / senior high school.

The deal was the last birthday 'girl' would arrange the place and date with the upcoming birthday person. Life happens and illness is hitting the group's members more and more. So I took it upon myself to make sure we had a summer get-together and decided to have the celebratory gathering in my home rather than going out.

Bringing back my traditional midwestern summer salad potluck idea where everyone brings something to add to a salad was a big hit. Folks commented that salad tasted better than fixing one for oneself at home. The camaraderie certainly doesn't hurt in addition to it being truly a great gift to give myself to be able to share my space.  

Dessert was yummy too as it was a new simple icebox cake. The baker, yours truly, didn't read the directions carefully and learned the difference between whipping half and half versus heavy whipping cream. Since the first batch was soup after overnight in the frig, this baker ( ha ha) decided to freeze it and remake the recipe using heavy whipping cream and place the frozen batch in each serving bowl with the new batch on top. 

Here's the easy peasy recipe, a great summer dessert.

3 c heavy whipping cream

3/4 c confectioner's sugar (powdered sugar)

1 t vanilla/ almond/ Kahlua

1 1/2 packages thin oreo cookies (Walgreen's had tiramisu stuffing) 

Line small loaf pan with good clear plastic wrap with extra over edges to cover top of dessert as you will be lifting the entire loaf out of dish to serve.

I chilled whipping bowl before 3 c heavy whipping cream to strong peaks.

Mix in confectioner sugar and flavoring.

Place a cup of whipped cream in bottom of pan

*Save 2 -3 cookies to crumble and place on finished product before serving!

Layer oreo cookies covering cream before adding a larger layer of whipped cream for subsequent layers alternating with the layer of oreos.

Let sit in frig at least 6 hours.


Happy Birthday Group minus a couple...

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