Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Recently I was gifted a pair of rose tinted glasses while attending one of my favorite fundraisers for Arkansas HUNGER relief ALLIANCE.

Does it seem as ironic to you as it did to me to be eating a gourmet meal prepared by some of our city's favorite chefs and staff with donated foods and beverage while raising money for food insecurity.

A very crowded room was served by volunteering state legislators on both sides of the fence.  Kudos was also given to our Governor Sara Huckabee Sanders for initiating reduced lunch vouchers. 

Both a raffle and life auctions in addition to table and corporate sponsors raised a nice chunk of money to ensure the continuation of local, county and state pantries and food programs to have monetary resources to help those with food insecurity.

It made me think twice as I wrote my check and pledged my support while donning those pink tinted glasses  that "Seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses” which refers to individuals with a tendency to see everything in a positive light, albeit potentially unrealistic light may be countered with greater objectivity and accuracy perhaps is an unduly optimistic view." In a country as wealthy as ours, why are there people without food?

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