Wednesday, July 31, 2024


MIDWEEK MUSINGS  find me in birthday mode, especially with my real' birth' day this past weekend. Many of you know from previous posts / being with me that birthdays are a big deal in my family.  Birthday cake for breakfast and opening cards and presents with home birthday parties as a kid. So it was going to be a real letdown being alone at home.

You see even after the flurry of celebrating out West, plans had changed for my b-day week back home as the Atlanta branch would not be joining me. The quiet hit hard upon my return so I was glad my Birthday Group's lunch get-together was this past Friday before the real birthdate.

Everybody kept asking me what I was doing on the big day.

Well, a text arrived asking this birthday girl to light Sabbath candles at Temple Friday night services and as I sat down, I was asked if I had plans for my birthday lunch. Well, then I did.

AND fortunately,  my brother and sister-in-law had extended an invite to go out for Birthday dinner if I didn't have plans. So since I didn't, they responded they would pick me up at 6pm on Saturday. What was strange was they didn't ask me where I wanted to go. (I attributed this to my brother carrying on my Dad's z"l  ways   :)

Saturday, the birthday salutary phone calls started early as everybody knows I'm an early riser. The day flew by and dinner time arrived but  even en route my guessing of where we were headed ensued unanswered. When we finally parked by Loca Luna, a place we had never frequented together, I dismissed the choice as my sister-in-law probably had a gift certificate from there. ( Her patients show their appreciation in gift cards)

Anyhoo, the hostess took us to the outside patio and I thought dang nobody is out here for a reason, it's still really warm. Unbeknownst to me there was a separate private dining room off that side patio and as I walked in I was greeted by a bunch of folks yelling 'Surprise.'


This now 70 year old really was surprised and the week's quiet was everybody trying to keep the secret.  About 30 family and friends from all aspects of my life in Little Rock were there to help me celebrate my new decade.  

There were balloons, a photo board, cards and gifts. 

Appetizers and dinner filled another table.  California fam treated us to a round of choice beverage, making sure the bday girl had her Gin & Tonic. 

Photos are trickling in but let me say this was not an easy endeavor bc people don't have home phones any more. Sleuth work didn't always pan out as FB friend requests weren't always fruitful for the party instigators. SO it wasn't that you were forgotten. 

You are all in my heart.

Maybe we should always leave a list with addresses/ phone numbers of potential invitees for any occasion.LOL. Not so easy without phone books. Here's a sampling of my Southern life in the room.

Old Friends from school days and their spouses- newer friends ...

friends from raising kids together...

friends through Master Gardeners...

and neighbor friends...

shul friends

and family...

They all did a great job of keeping the secret... 
                        Thank you most of all for your friendship.

 I'm feeling my Life is aged just right with friends to make it perfect.

*more pics including fam will be added at a future date