Stand by for the best Santa during the time of COVID...
Here's hoping we all take care as we enter 2022.
Last week was something smells good: FOTO FRIDAY
Country Living with wood, goats, chickens, gardening, climate impact, nature,barns...
Stand by for the best Santa during the time of COVID...
Here's hoping we all take care as we enter 2022.
Last week was something smells good: FOTO FRIDAY
Thank goodness we took a car trip last Friday, Christmas Day, to Hot Springs's Garvan Gardens. Even if the weather was iffy it turned out to be the most perfect day since that heavy mist and grey skies scared away other visitors and we basically had the place to ourselves.
Even dogs are welcome at these gardens and Balto was stoked for a field trip. Little did he realize how much he had ahead to sniff and territorialize...
Garvan Gardens always holds surprises and this visit was no different as their day time light show included these visitors from China. Of course my Dad tried speaking his favorite Chinese phrases but they were too busy to reply.
If you are interested in using their plantings in your own space the different species are labelled...
and yes, even in late December there are still blooms to appreciate.
This double bloom camelia was exceptionally stunning...
I don't know about you but I have worked really hard to try to stay healthy. Heck I have a 96 year old Dad to protect.
I know many of you have been vaccinated and received the booster, social distance, avoid crowds whenever possible, handwash ad nauseum and don a mask.
Is your mask collection growing?
I just bought a new one for the small Senior beginning Spanish class I hope to offer in the spring.Isn't this great? I look just like this and my students will be able to see how I am forming the words...
Especially now after all the holiday get togethers even if we can't know nor control what strangers will do, let's hope our friends give us a heads up when maybe they are not 100%. This gives us the choice to opt for another time for a get together.
Here's a suggestion if in doubt, let your buddies know if you are under the weather so they can make an informed decision of what's best for them.
Have a good, healthy week...
The hyacinths are opening and the scent is amazing.
Remember even in winter you can have spring/ blooms inside.
TBT this week reminds me that I still have unpacking to do.
Why would today's TBT photo inspire my efforts today. Well, to be honest my birdfeeders are not only not filled but I haven't even unpacked them.
Birdwatching was a favorite activity all year long...
With the internet the poor mailman really would like to feel needed and appreciated. I can help the post office out by buying stamps so maybe I'll complete this task by Three Kings Day.
There'll also be info re: plans for Irv's stone setting and Celebration of Life which we are aiming for Sunday, May 15th with hopes of warmer weather and healthier times.
In the meanwhile Happy Holidays!
Thank you for all your words of support throughout 2020 and 2021..
I don't know about your social calendars but mine was full this past weekend. It's a first and much appreciated as this holiday season has been a mixed bag of emotions.
Perhaps if I share the three days's events you'll see the foggy holiday seasonal picture.
Friday's home cooked dinner was saved for another day as we opted to patronize an upscale restaurant where we were surprised to see an unmasked wait staff followed by a full comedy joint where my friend and I were also the only folks wearing masks. As much as I loved being able to laugh again there was a damper due to the unmasked crowd.
Saturday's Holiday Party's invite stated invitees were all folks who had had their boosters. Truly comforting.That llama holiday sweater got to be worn...
Sunday afternoon Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's pews were filled with masked congregants for their their beautiful Christmas Letters and Carols program.
FOTO FRIDAY as the Wisconsin area prepares for 7" of the white stuff, their first significant snow fall it's a balmy day here in the South.
Sorry I just had to post my view out my childhood home's picture window and what a picture...
Last week's FOTO FRIDAY
For the past 8+ months my actions have been based on the discussions Natureman and I had regarding what I should do once he was no longer around.
Selling the End of the Rainbow Valley, moving closer to family, buying a new home, continuing Jazzercising, finding a book club and joining familiar congregations of former years.
What I didn't forsee was how I wouldn't be able to sit and read a book, how Zooming would continue to be a main source of contact how the radio playing a special song could elicit tears by the third note/ the arrival of the Nation ( a political periodical) would find its place next to the new couch and how terribly lonely nights would be.
Finally a long awaited formed Grief and Loss Support group began on Zoom... and I heard our moderator state what I was experiencing was to be expected. It was all part of the different stages of grieving: denial, anxiety, depression, guilt, fear and anger in no particular order.
I wasn't the only one feeling the loneliness, of wanting to share the latest news and would talk to the absent loved one in the quiet , reaching over to the empty side of the bed, missing a touch, a hug and being loved, having friends avoid talking about the elephant in the room, And above all, not knowing what the future will hold...
Restated was the reminder that grief will always be there because we had a good, loving relationship. I am thankful for those almost 20 years together and our bond.
Here's a photo from last year of Natureman at this holiday time ...
"You don't just lose someone once.
You lose them over and over, sometimes many times a day.
It's been a week since the kiddos returned to their respective homes. The Georgia crew did their drive in a day with an earlier departure as Ms H was up before the break of dawn. The west coasters still had the day in the Rock before their flight.
It sure was quiet after the 6 were gone. Proof of their visit surrounded me.
The once packed frig now looked sparse with the dwindling Thanksgivukkah leftovers and the house had gotten a good workout. Ms H had really enjoyed the playground equipment too.
Reflecting on our 6 days together new holiday memories remain along with a full heart. We all had exercised caution in using our masks while out in public so we could all be present in good health at this get together.
Mask wearing is a small price to pay to protect our loved ones and to ensure all of us can be at our next get-together...
Hope you all will remember to exercise caution as the new COVID variant has already begun to rear its ugly head...
FOTO FRIDAY this week of Chanukah has to do with my 4 legged housemate Balto. You know the Texas rescue dog who returned to the South with me.
He's awfully confused as the temp was 77 yesterday.
Seriously, what are his 2 layers of fur supposed to be doing?
As anybody who comes into contact with him knows, don't wear black unless you like the look of dog hair on your clothes. For this very reason Balto is not allowed on the furniture.
But my kids figured out a way to get him on the couch.
Take a look-
Yep, that's Balto on the couch...
Only it's a photo blanket, a gift from the Atlanta kids. Pretty clever, I'd say, wouldn't you?
Congrats Balto this is the only way you are allowed on the couch!
FOTO FRIDAY and FIRSTS: This past week change was definitely in the air as Fall hit the Rock. Little Rock, that is. My first to see what would happen at the new abode.
Most of my trees will not drop their leaves until January and this country mouse hasn't raked in 20 years. Fun, fun. I did invest in a leaf blower to help with what is already falling. In a mere 20 minutes all one's work can need to be redone as winds share leaves from neighbor's yards / my very own roof / trees. Ah the joys of urban living.
The biggest joy in mid November has been to see the camelias blooming along side the sweet Japanese Maple turning a brilliant candy apple red.
See what I mean:
Last week's FOTO FRIDAY was POR FIN
Are you missing something?
Like an hour of light in the morning?
Well, my household has been hit hard as that day light savings hour really has messed up our schedule. That is Balto's and mine.
Starting with feeding time.
But the real issue is going on that walk as it's really dark.
Thank goodness for neighbors who leave on front porch lights...
That old farm lantern flash light is coming in very handy accompanyinf me to not only see where I am stepping but also helping me pick up his deposits.
"What?" you may ask.
Well, Fall and its wondrous colors.
Here are 3 beauties Balto and I encountered along our walk this week.
No way to forget we were in the South to be welcomed with a big 'ole
We got to witness and experience their vision. From their colorful garden center displays and healthy plants to demonstration gardens across the street...
One of my favorite displays was their wonderful seasonal pumpkin wall ...
And as another person's popular quote states "Build it and they will come." So have many folks like us come to view and shop and even wed on the property.
One can't leave without being inspired.
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stone fountain |
There's the original house, lily pond, wisteria arbor, shade garden, patio and wedding court and lower gardens.
The infamous Turks Cap |
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The historic New England Barn was built in the 1920's by the Bandys who used to stable their horses here with an unusual floor of Bois d'arc wood bricks.
In great disrepair it was the first restoration project of the Westons who now use it as a bridal suite for their many weddings.
The grounds were very inviting with very charming touches.
Best of all Weston Gardens was a perfect place to sit after a full day of touring and enjoy the late summer day amidst the lush foliage...
NO, not coyote with the Spanish pronounciation 'koh- yoh- tay' but CHAYOTE (chah-yoh-tay) which is a brand new word for me.
Chayote is a fruit, prepared like a vegetable. It looks like a pear and was an ingredient in a new recipe that grabbed my eye.
Chayote isn't easy to find but the last 2 were hiding in a Mexican food store and the recipe luckily only called for 2.
Nothing cuts the chill of a Fall day like a good hearty soup and I have found a great new recipe called Caldo de Rés (Mexican Beef Soup) which I just have to share.
Here's what you'll need: