Monday, October 5, 2020



Nowadays there is a lot we can be shocked about. In fact I bet you can name of a couple of things which have shocked / taken you by surprise in the past week. Perhaps it was something that happened directly to someone you know but I don't think it was the fact that the man in the White House contacted COVID19.

After blatantly refusing to don a mask and making fun of those who do and negating advice from medical expertise, the man and his cronies who spend their days out in public happen to be carriers and who knows how many they have exposed to the disease. It was inevitable.  Just like our like our insulated agricultural community who think it won't touch them, we knew the virus would eventually reach southwestern Wisconsin.

The starting of in class education and return of college students to our college town have exacerbated the number of cases so that we even have made the NY Times list now more than once. But the local men with their big ole trucks at dump day and the UPS delivery guy and LP gas guy who have had contact with us still are around us maskless despite the news. 

So, dear readers no one can feel 100% safe no matter where you live even us being tucked away in the End of the Rainbow Valley. Shocked? Not really, but we will continue wearing our masks trying to protect others in case we are the carriers and hopefully you will too. There is no such thing as being too careful...

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