Monday, August 10, 2020


This past week has been a tough week for us as actually the chemo combo 'had' been pretty smooth sailing. Yep, the operative word being had. Sure, there were some minor showings of the known side effects but where there is usually calm the third week that was not the case this round. 

Each day Natureman would go to work in the garden. Corn to be picked and beans to be canned. Inbetween he would tackle the huge pile of wood waiting to be stacked and each day he would return to the house complaining of not feeling well. Muscle and head aches, stomach issues...  

It's August and time to let the garden go, we have plenty and a third of the pile is gone.'Overdoing' is not helping nor is temporary relief of over the counter drugs.

Appetite waning and diet adjustments eliminating those taunting fresh veggies. Natureman insists he just isn't hungry. He'd want to skip meals and I would be like a pusher trying to get anything in him including snack attempts.  As each day passes fatigue takes over as chores and even daily walks seem too demanding. There was talk of placing an ad in Craigslist to sell the goats. Proof, the man is not feeling well.

Finally, he conceded and telephoned the on call Doc this weekend. The decision was made to stop taking the daily chemo pills  for right now with a steroid ordered for his hospital infusion day Wednesday.

It is disheartening but we really have been so lucky. 

Yep, that stacked area is 5 rows deep...

Fingers crossed he can get some relief and also understand 'overdoing' is not the remedy...

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