Wednesday, May 6, 2020


One just never knows what will happen in the End of the Rainbow Valley and we did have a very unexpected surprise appear in front of the house. Our neighbor dropped it off...

Lo and behold our mailboxes which had been washed away with the last flood were found. Inside was just some dried up mud. They are now perched atop an old milk can in the front garden a mile from their original location until they are needed again...

We're holding on to these in case our newest mailboxes depart with the enviable next flooding. Infrastructure issues. The dam still has not been fixed due to FEMA monies never arriving..

If the mailbox is the only thing we lose, we consider ourselves lucky. Meanwhile drop us snail mail anytime so the mail lady and man have good things to place in those mailboxes we keep investing in...

Take a listen to YouTube's: SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE...

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