Monday, April 27, 2020


Last week I realized the Jazzerbuddies were indeed missing their usual coffee gatherings and decided it was time to organize a Zoom Coffee after our FB live class. Our local instructors Debbie, Becky and Megan have been kind enough to  offer our classes LIVE on FB. But even if we could see and participate with them, they couldn't see us nor could we see each other.

You see we are used to doing more than just exercise, we socialize, meeting for coffee maybe even 3x/wk and provide an extra social net for all who want/can take advantage of this time together. We are there for each other in both good and not so good life events.

I'd say this pandemic has definitely interrupted our lives. Ten of us joined/made it either by audio/ video/ both in our first ZOOM attempt on line ZOOM coffee including one grandbaby. It was a good number to start and once I master the chatrooms we will be able to break off into smaller groups as the coffees grow in size and folks adjust to this particular site.

One thing was for certain as to how to break the ice as one needs time to get acclimated to being on screen and how to proceed with conversation. So I gave a couple of suggestions including muting while someone else is speaking to eliminate static/ other household issues... Then I just threw out a couple of questions as to how everyone was doing with the quarantine / if they've been able to complete any projects this past month they wanted to share... 

"I don't like it at all" stated one of us. Truth be told that is how many are feeling during this quarantine. So when I came upon this posting and accompanying letter they shouted to be shared.

Below are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and a wonderful letter accompanying it ...


"I’ve been seeing so many friends seriously beating themselves up because they aren’t “maximizing” their time in quarantine by organizing their closets, repainting, developing a side hustle, becoming a piano virtuoso, exercising themselves into a lucrative career as a swimsuit model, etc.

Everybody! Seriously. Stop. And breathe. If you’re feeling adrift, there’s a reason. I’m about to drop some first semester nursing school on y’all. It’s Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Humans have basic requirements (the bottom of the pyramid) like food, water, air, shelter, sleep, etc. The biological basics. If those are met, then the next rung of the ladder is Safety and Security. If we feel safe and secure, then we can climb up and start on our Love and Belonging needs and on up the ladder we go until finally at the very tippy-top is SELF-ACTUALIZATION which would entail all of the cool aforementioned activities. The catch is, you cannot level up until the needs at the current level are fulfilled. If the needs remain unfulfilled, we remain stuck on our current level until the situation changes.

Friends, in the midst of a pandemic, we are dwelling in the basement of Maslow’s pyramid. How in the heck do you think you’re going to kick ass at the highest levels when we can’t even find toilet paper for Pete’s sake.

You physiologically and psychologically aren’t built to live your “best life” right now. Your only job is to live “a life” right now. A luxury that is being denied many which increases the pressure to really make every day count.

But listen.

Every day you are here counts.
Every breath you take counts.
Are you eating, drinking water, and sleeping at all these days? If so, that is a triumph right now.

Cut yourself ALL THE SLACK. Focus on the bottom level. Are you showering? Eating a vegetable once in a while? Getting some sunshine and fresh air? Keeping some semblance of a sleep schedule? 

Start there. And be extra gentle and abundantly gracious with yourself. We’ll get through this. And right now, getting through is absolutely enough.

I love you all. Hang in there. ❤️


AND to all of YOU this Monday I wish the same, HANG IN THERE.

Love, Chaseburgmama

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