Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Found a tick on Balto the other day another spring indicator. It reminded me to apply the dog's tick medicine.  Natureman likened how he felt after infusion days to when he had Lyme's; achiness, headaches, fatigue... His first bout of Lyme's was when we were building the new house 15 years ago. Literally a lot of water under & over the bridge since then. If only an antibiotic could make all this go away but apparently he was informed that he will have to continue this chemo cocktail combo even if the tumors totally disappear...

Folks have been exceedingly kind to us especially during these last 6 months since Natureman's prognosis. Yep, it's been 6 months, the beginning marker of the prognosis as we were told 6-20 months...
Who knew an additional factor like a pandemic would be added to the mix? Now, we have another marker with one month of social distancing under our belt. 

Plans for summer jaunts of using our lifetime passes to National Parks are dissipating since it's evident others haven't understood the urgency of staying put, not socializing, and now the waves of this virus will continue and we, must accept that when folks go back to their lives whenever that will be, we here in the End of the Rainbow Valley must remain in social isolation longer. 

Natureman's big days out are 'infusion' days at the hospital, not really the safest place to go considering folks go there when they are sick but with new measures like temperatures being taken at the door and mini health questionaires, hopefully will lessen the  spreading the virus there too. In fact, since guests are not allowed through the doors with the patient, Natureman has to be the one sharing these changes.  

The past visit creeps into our conversations at meal times. ie I learned recently he was asked to remove his N95 mask a relative had sent us. 'Everybody' had to wear masks the hospital provided. Interesting, huh?  Whether it's their availability/ whatever at least folks are wearing them. That really bothered me 3 weeks previously. (And have you noticed on the news more people are wearing homemade masks while out and about?)

Portions of the waiting area were also cordoned off to keep patients at a social distance and he noticed furniture being sanitized. That was a relief since I was wiping down wooded arm rests where we sat the visit before. 

During his consult in the small examination room he asked where he should sit and was told, wherever he wanted. (What, no 6 feet?) He was the one masked. Hmmm, I fear also for our health care providers.

Anyhoo, there are worse places to be stuck than at home in the End of the Rainbow Valley. We usually don't see anybody en route to the mailbox.  We treated ourselves to an afternoon of dropping off items without personal interaction. We just saw one friend come out his front door to pick up the matzo ball soup care package as we were backing up. We miss our interaction with others...

The streets were quieter better late than never. Yet, it's something. Many are going on hikes. Do remember after your Nature walks, be sure and check for ticks... Lyme's is no fun either.


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