Country Living with wood, goats, chickens, gardening, climate impact, nature,barns...
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Natureman has been having a great couple of days. He's feeling good as his back ache is gone and his allergies have settled down. Considering the jolting roto-tilling of this past weekend one would think there would be more pains, not less. Perhaps just the thought of gardening is therapeutic in itself... This past fall his wish was to be able to have a garden. He bought onion sets and seed potatoes so he's getting ready. I dropped Natureman off for Infusion Day #5 as I would run some errands while he had his blood taken, consult and infusion... Now we just have one set of ears to report how the hospital visit went. As usual his blood pressure was elevated but by the time he left, it had lowered. The best news of the consult was that the blood work showed his kidney function was improving! Yea, it must have improved with those daily 8 glasses of water. His weight is down a bit but he is eating. Natureman asked Doc O about the chemo drug combo and if he could stop the drugs once the little 2 little lung spots disappear. Dr. O replied they probably won't completely disappear but there could be a med vacay if they stabilize. So a good hospital visit all in all... After picking up both Baltos we returned home for a late lunch. I assumed both boys would need a nap but Natureman wanted to take a walk. So off we all went down the road enjoying what had turned into a gorgeous spring afternoon. Our daffodils and grape hyacinths are blooming and wild violets and bloodroot dot the road's edge. Things are good in the End of the Rainbow Valley and for a brief period of time I didn't even worry about Natureman's cancer nor the pandemic going on outside our world here in the End of the Rainbow Valley...
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