Doesn't every town have a favorite burger joint?
Sunday I experienced lunch from Pete's, a hamburger stand, established in 1909 in Prairie du Chien. Over a 100 years in business is nothing to sneeze at. Originally Pete started his business on a cart and later added stands with refrigeration.
Sunday happened to Pete's last day open for the season. What luck to just be hungry and lunchtime as we were passing through town en route to a state park we hadn't visited before AND now able to try what's touted as the world's best burger.
Two long lines extended on both sides of the building. Popular to say the least in a town with a pop. of a little over 5500.
What's so special about this burger?
The gal in front of me explained that Pete's burgers are steamed. So I imagined a big steamer. But that's not it at all as a sauce pot filled with water is poured on the grill. As the standing water starts steaming, a mound of onions is added, followed by meatball chunks. Each ball is flattened into a patty with a spatula after which it is flipped and moved over to the left. The burgers are allowed to cook until the water is absorbed. 60 hamburgers are cooked at a time and then placed in buns with a slab of the dripping cooked onions.

The customer is asked if ketchup, mustard/ brown mustard should be added besides the onions. I opted for for a drier burger which then is placed double-decker atop another burger and squished down with the spatula to remove some of the liquid. ( Personally soggy buns are not my thing.) And so these moist tasty burgers have been made for over a 100 years... Raw onion can also be requested but that's it. No cheese for those burgers. A drink and chips can be added. Burgers cost $4.25 each, soft drinks and chips @1.25.
If you want a closeup look at this landmark here's a youtube clip of PBS's Around the Corner in Prairie du Chien about PETE's with John McGivern's public tv segment at 6:08.
Pete's traditionally reopens the third week of April. So, my friends, you'll have to wait until then to go for one of those yummy steamed burgers.