Wednesday, October 21, 2015


What a delightful Tuesday evening thanks to the UW-L latina student women's group, Mujeres Orgullosas Latinas ( Proud Latin Women) who shared 2 Mexican folkloric dances with an audience of about 75 folks at the Centro Latino to not only celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month but also the center's first year anniversary with representatives from the community, staff and students from both universities( UW-L and Viterbo) in addition to Centro Latino's director, Sister Antonia.

The group showed recognition and appreciation to their instructor Candia
The Mujeres Orgullosas Latinas were also lucky that my friend Candia (UW-L staff) was able to help the group learn the 1800 folk dance steps (she danced professionally some 11 years) After a couple hours of instruction and practice, the group's members were gracious  to share their new knowledge with us. 

These young mujeres latinas have other outreach projects in mind as they want to serve as mentors to younger latinos in middle schools to share their experiences in higher education and emphasize the importance of taking their studies seriously and continuing their education while still fostering their heritage.


Following the performance the student dancers introduced themselves and shared their majors and the importance of having each other as a support group.

Their group's meetings are purposely planned for Fridays to encourage members to stay on campus and become integrated in campus life rather than rush home on weekends. These young ladies understand an important key to college success is this bonding. 
(photo courtesy of friend Marta Martinez)
After the presentation we were treated to a wonderful dinner buffet by community members and three local restaurants: El Rodeo, Fiesta Mexicana and Burrito House. 5 types of taquitos with fresh tortillas, traditional relishes of radishes, cilantro, onion, salsas and sides of Spanish rice, beans, cooked peppers and of course, many yummy desserts.

Sabrosa. (Delicious) Simplemente sabrosa. 

What a terrific evening filled with community, dance, music, food and conversation working towards bringing us all a little closer -  COMMUNITY in its true from of all different ages and backgrounds. 


  1. What lovely attire they are wearing with those swirling skirts. Sounds like you had a great evening with dance and good food. You find the best things.

  2. The memories of home touched a Mexican gentleman sitting next to my Uruguayan friend who told me his eyes were filled with tears watching the dances.
