Temps will continue to plummet as wind chill factors will take our area temps to minus, yes, -56 degrees. How cold is it? Our local ski slope area, Mt. La Crosse, has closed.
Finally Sunday La Crosse school officials called off school here for Monday. Busses would have difficulty running their routes to start off the upcoming school week and we wouldn't want frozen popsicle children either.
Both TV and radio have issued warnings of exposure and the possibility of frost bite within 10 minutes. It's that friggin' cold...
The wind has been bringing in a new cold front and I kid you not, it is brutal. Natureman shared a frostbite story of his teenage days when he didn't want to mess up his hair so he didn't wear a hat. His ears let him him know that fashion statement wasn't worth it...
(We do have back up heat if needed with both floor and furnace heat.)
And don't worry, everyone including Romeo, is staying put as we are all 'hunkered down' here in the End of the Rainbow Valley. Nobody is going anywhere in this frigid cold ...
Romeo's advice : Stay warm! |
I'm happy to see Romeo inside. Too many people think that animals can somehow just manage on their own in this kind of weather. So glad our house has wheels, when Orlando was "too cold" we cranked up the motor and moved further south.