Well I wasn't sure because Natureman has never been that sick. That is until this weekend...
Late Friday night some stomach bug got 'hold' of him good.
Natureman insisted he would be better by midday but he proceeded to sleep most of the day, accepting only drink and refusing any sustenance. Besides a hour or two awake, somehow he managed to sleep the whole night too. He slept away his illness and awoke renewed 24 hours later.
De-bugging, a success via Natureman style right here in the End of the Rainbow Valley... Go figure.
That's the same way it works for me. All I want to do is sleep and then I'm generally better. Pete had a bought of something that made him sleep off and on for a couple of days with sweating and then chills, along with all the stomach trouble that goes with it. I've never seen him so sick before. He's much better now and his appetite is returning to full strength again, but it was weird watching someone who is never ill get laid low like that.