Monday, August 26, 2024


 Are you like me and have friends that disappear  MIA and then, all of a sudden your paths recross?  

Well, it happened to me Sunday a.m. when I received an unknown phone call number on my screen with Irvine, CA... On a Sunday early, a bogus call for sure? Gimme a break.

I don't know why but I answered it, and lo and behold, a voice I haven't heard since Denver in the early 80's...

This buddy had been on my Holiday catch-up mailing list for longer but after five years of silence got dropped. This was someone I befriended through college friends of my parents no less. We met my freshmen year in Iowa. She was a townie going to Goucher College and after Jewish geography, happened to know someone with whom I was a camp counselor. Small world.

It turned out her Mom, a University Russian teacher, had an office close to my Chinese classes and I probably saw her Mom more than I did Julia during my college days...

Then fate had our paths cross living in Denver like a decade later.  Her address in California lasted longer than anywhere else I lived even with her hopping across oceans and back again. We lost track of each other.

Until yesterday when Julia called and said "We are in Bentonville and heading down to Little Rock today, are you busy?" She had heard from another acquaintance I had moved back. "OMG "I said in surprise, I just saw your name on a FaceBook post for the first time in ages this week. What do you mean "WE"? I asked." Dave. I have been with him for 30 years and with 2 homes on 2 coasts we are taking a 4 month road trip to avoid the heat in Florida. "

So we spent our visit filling in the past 30 years. The best surprise ever. I hope we see each other more often now that we've reconnected... 

Not MIA any longer.

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