Wednesday, August 21, 2024


MONDAY'S MUSINGS spoke of incarceration and today as it would have been Natureman's 76th birthday I find myself musing how he would have loved the Netflix program entitled Daughters. You see one of his legacies was leading a men's therapy group in La Crosse's county jail. 

Instead of idle time sitting in cells, prisoners could be involved in healing discussions to help them cope better in relationships when they were released. Many prisoners have children who need their father yet many of these men may not have even had a father role model.

Netflix's documentary Daughters is about a program where inmates's daughters get permission to have a Father -Daughter dance at their Dads' prison. 

 Children in person visits were nonexistent yet these girls missed their daddies terribly and the Dads also needed to connect with them. Inmates could volunteer to be involved in a group to work on how to be a father to their daughters who were growing up without them. 

Monies were provided to provide dress clothes for both the fathers and daughters and it was a sight to see them being reunited. Tear jerker alert. The men had been well coached not just what to talk about but even some dance steps...

The emotions were high for both the men and their offspring. In a time where the rate of repeated offenses is common, the men who participated in this program had a 95% success rate surviving back home.  

Natureman would have loved this... 

Do yourself a favor and watch this documentary. It is heart-rending.

Here's a clip of a trailer re: 


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