Country Living with wood, goats, chickens, gardening, climate impact, nature,barns...
Thursday, July 5, 2018
When one thinks of July 4th images of parades, flags, cookouts, water fun and sunburns come to mind. We definitely had the heat this July 4th and in addition to that heat two separate thunderstorms blew through our region late afternoon, dampening many afternoon July 4th picnics/ outdoor get togethers. Thank goodness that rainfall also helped eliminate some of that oppressive heat some 20 degrees. The second storm ended about 5pm just before we needed to leave for our holiday dinner plans at another couple's home.
It was a pleasant surprise to discover we were the only guests. The day's heat had truly zapped me. Our celebration was a more relaxed, calmer one still with all the traditional fare of chicken baked on the grill, corn on the cob, veggies and of course, red, white and blue dessert. When nightfall arrived we could even view the neighbors's fireworks display from their deck... As some of you may remember Natureman has a holiday custom of using the holiday dinner table to actually talk about the holiday and related topics. Imagine that. Over the years I have witnessed rolled eyes / heard not so patient comments to change the conversation. I, myself, am probably the worst culprit of trying to kabash a discussion to allow us to eat dinner before it gets cold. This being said, Natureman and I had exchanged a couple words about the fact we would be at someone else's table. Well, Natureman had nothing to worry about as our host shared story after story of past enlightening cultural experiences with Native Americans through his work and personal interest. The holiday was definitely complete and one to remember. I didn't miss the crowds/ chaos one little bit... Do you think this is a sign of getting older?
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