Friday, May 4, 2018


FOTO FRIDAY: We just couldn't wait for spring and with its arrival came 2 snow storms within a week, unusually warm weather interspersed with severe thunderstorms. Last night's rainfall will probably bring the creek over its banks. 

 TRANSLATED: Our one mile road from the mailbox was flanked by 2 mudslides and washed with big ruts in addition to the fact we are also losing our road in two spots due to the all the downpours. 

Some ruts were midcalf as seen below.

Imagine looking down into a 3 ft ditch and seeing your road in its bed. Below is evidence of the road collapsing.


Natureman worked diligently some 3+ hours regrading the road to try to save it on Wednesday.  We have our fingers crossed that the backhoe and 7 truckloads of gravel can be delivered soon.

Oh Mother Nature you love to keep us on our toes/ make sure we use our boots.
I wasn't at a computer due to some special granddaughter time last week for FOTO FRIDAY so I will add one this week to make up for it. Here's its link:HOPPING IT"S NOT TOO LATE

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