Webs we weave...
Ah, the WEBS we weave…
For those that have spent any time with me know I can ‘butcher’ any idiom/saying. I don’t know if it's all those languages jumbled in my brain or just the fact that I was raised by a second language learner / maybe it’s a combination. Anyhow, I wanted to talk about webs and those that weave them and I thought I had better check the saying as I remembered it “Oh what an evil web we weave. “ but after Googling it , it turns out Shakespeare used ‘tangled’ so that may change my post but then again maybe not…
After living in the valley I am regarding all these spiders with whom I co-habitat a bit differently. A lot of folks really dislike spiders but I was always the kid at Girl Scout camp that instead of squishing the Daddy Long Legs in the cabin picked him up and moved him outside.
Now sharing my space with spiders full time, I'm not always so generous to my arachnid friends although I do appreciate them cutting down the fly and mosquito population. Some weeks they make it look like I never clean. Webs can be found in every corner of the house. OK not just wall corners but any space to be joined is game to have a web spun. AND these guys are super busy.
Some days I feel all I do is remove webs. Does this make me the house’s webmaster? I think not...
Well I have a particular ‘spider’ story to share of someone who obviously appreciates spiders a lot more than I. NATUREMAN. One day I was showering in the old house and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and heck I screamed. I don’t know why… Irv responded from another area of the house, ‘what’s the matter?’ and I called back there’s a spider in the shower.’ Oh that’s my pet spider, that’s where he lives.’ " Oh, OK," and even though I found it strange, I continued sharing the shower with Mr.Spider although never turning my back on him as he continued to grow and grow each visit. I looked for him before I entered the shower and one day decided that he had gotten BIG enough and informed Natureman that Mr. Spider had to go. Mr. Spider was bid farewell outside. By the way- It turns out that Mr. Spider was a ‘wolf spider‘and they jump and can cause a nasty bite as I have since learned...
Now fast forward 10 years and in the new house's guest bath I discover a small wolf spider
and I decide you know for sentimentality’s sake I am going to let this guy grow as long as he stays in this space. Besides Irv and my 10th Anniversary is coming and what a meaningful gift to give to the man who doesn’t want/need anything. I daily check Mr Spider’s whereabouts before sitting down on the commode and all goes well for a good month until we are having an overnight house guest. Irv’s youngest, Simon, is coming home, and I need to clean and spray out that shower removing Mr Spider but he’s nowhere to be found. I search high and low and I am spraying cleansers and water so I figure he’s left. WELL, not really... as Simon has a story to share at mealtime how this huge wolf spider jumped on his knee while he was showering and he killed it. Without even thinking, I told him that it was going to be a gift for his Dad. If looks could have killed… Ah what a tangled web we weave… here in the End of the Rainbow Valley…
Nobody can spin a web...I mean story...like you. That's one of the funniest stories I've read in a long time...bravo!