Things that go bump in the night…
The old farmhouse sits directly behind our new one… maybe 12 feet apart but we jokingly say with a couple hundred years difference.

If those old walls could talk I bet we would have lots of really interesting stories…
The one I am sharing today is about Mr. Snake. Mr. Snake decided to take up residence in the old house’s basement long before I ever came to live in the valley. In a late 1800’s structure, it’s not really a basement but it’s a root cellar… rickety stairs that descend onto an earthen floor.

Two naked hanging light bulbs light the dank area. You get the picture and let me be clear it still creeps me out. I would let out a little yell as I clicked on the light switch from above before taken down laundry. It was like giving forewarning to anything living down there to just move before I saw them and this was with good reason…
You see Natureman had shared stories about Mr. Snake. Mr. Snake was the house’s resident bull snake. (BTW on my list of not favorites are any kind of snake although I do appreciate the rodent control.) Irv had told me about once finding resident Mr. Snake wrapped around the base of the toilet. OK I get it, it’s cool and must have felt really good to Mr. Snake. BUT I really was not interested at having a snake at such proximity when I was sitting with my pants down no less. Hence any time I went to the bathroom, I would check out the bathroom first to make sure I had the place to myself. At night I would flip on the light, a habit I had never had previously. Heck, I was a Girl Scout, I could deal. NOT.

Irv had even shared how Mr. Snake would slither behind the medicine cabinet into the wall. TMI. (Actually way too much information. Now I didn’t even want to open the medicine cabinet!) Maybe it was safer to relieve yourself outside – after all we do live in the woods. There were other Mr. Snake episodes but this was by far the best… One night Simon was home from college and he is awakened by his Dad’s scream. Simon runs to see what’s wrong. Now picture this – Natureman who of course sleeps ‘au natural’ has stepped on Mr. Snake en route to the bathroom. OK this is just way too much NATURE even if it is in the End of the Rainbow Valley…
Oh my....such a visual. I may have trouble sleeping tonight with this image in my head.