For the BIRDS...
The one thing about being an early riser is usually the quiet… I say usually because once warmer weather returns so do the birds. The cacophony of the birds can be deafening . Some mornings I lay awake and am in awe of their song and some mornings I’d like to wring their little necks… just thought I’d be honest. ☺
If you had asked me 10 years ago about hobbies I am sure bird watching wouldn’t have made that list but living in a valley with woods, fields and water, bird watching has definitely become a past time. Natureman had a trough-like home made birdfeeder outside his picture window in the old house and would feed the birds in the winter. I asked to continue the feeding throughout the year. You know how some people spend money on sports events, well we spend it on bird seed, sunflower seed to be exact, grape jelly and lots of sugar for the humming bird feeders.

We have all sorts of feeders to attract our feathered friends and encourage them to build their nests nearby. We also put out suet in the winter which a local country butcher sets out for free. The suet at the feeder invited some 'unexpected' guests like this possum and Red Tailed Hawks this past winter.

This particular birdhouse was built by my son, Steven, when he was a cub scout, it’s housing bluebirds this year. We have sighted a myriad of feathered friends- some more frequent visitors than others right here in the valley. These include the: Black bird- Red Winged, Blue bird, Blue jay, Cardinal, Chickadee, Cow bird- Brow Headed, Cranes- Sand Hill, Duck- Black, Mallard,Wood,Teal, Eagle,
Egret, Finch- gold, Geese, Grackle, Grosbeak, Grouse, Hawk -
Red tailed, Cooper
Heron- Great Blue, Humming bird, Indigo Bunting, Junko, Kestrel, Nuthatch-White &Red Breasted, Oriole- Orchard and Baltimore, Owls- Bard & Grey Horned, Pigeons- Morning doves, Purple finch, Robin, Sparrow- Black Cap, Swallow- Barn, Swans- Tundra, Scarlet Tanager- Titmouse-Tufted, Towhee- Rufus Sided,
Vulture,Wild Turkey, Woodpeckers such as the Flicker, Hairy, Downy, Red Bellied,Pileated and the Wren.
BELIEVE me when I tell you that it's an aviary right here in End of the Rainbow Valley...
Bird watching must be something people do as they age and can appeciate them. I never used to care much about them earlier either but really enjoy them now.
ReplyDeleteHi , please tell me what 's going on with the hawk against the house . My first fear was it had struck a window too close to the feeder and was injured or disoriented. Thank you
ReplyDeleteYou are correct on all accounts. We moved the feeder after this incident. Fortunately he recuperated and took off.