Monday, June 18, 2012

Physical Attraction...

Physical attraction… If you thought you were going to get more stuff about the birds and the bees, well you are, but maybe not exactly as you thought… When planning a garden there are many considerations regarding plant selection which can include placement regarding sunlight, height, color, zone… just to name a few but for me it’s a must to incorporate plants that will attract butterflies. So when I help others with their garden plans I always include some of these beauties. The list is extensive so I thought I’d provide a list of my favorites that are in my own garden… By including any of these you will be encouraging the butterflies to not only visit your gardens longer but to also return. In alphabetical order: Beardtongue, Black Eyed Susan, Butterfly Bush, Candytuft, Columbine, Coneflower, Hollyhock, Lobelia, Lupine, Marigold, Oregano, Primula, Sage, Spirea, Shasta Daisy, Sunflower, Verbena, Yarrow and last but not least Zinnias. You won't be disappointed when you add any of these to your garden 'bed.'


  1. I just love your gardens and all the flowers, you've done an amazing job of incorporating all the various colors, heights and textures into a very pleasing arrangement. Only an artist like yourself could pull that off.
