Thursday, June 21, 2012

STRESS...Post Traumatic Country Living?

When you hear the term 'country living', does this type of a scene come to mind? I hope that that scene still pops into your head after reading about this city mouse's transition to country mouse's life. BUT for me 'Reality' is affected by 'past' experiences, specifically that 'dang flood' that resulted after 14-16 inches and wiped out our road. The peaceful pastoral feeling diminish when storm clouds appear to be stuck over our valley and I get tense, real tense... The dog's not the only one who hates thunderstorms. During those first 3 days in August'09 when the raging creek had eaten away the access to the outside world, it wasn't the fear of shortage of food that psyched me out because we had a pantry full of our canned goods and even if we lost electricity (we're the last home on the line), we had the wood stove and bar-b-que grills for cooking AND we had plenty of candles/ kerosene lamps.( Those things aren't just for charm. Wink, wink.) It was the thought of not being able to get out. Have you ever experienced that? It's knowing that you can't leave. So even with all this land around, we were stuck. Sometimes Natureman refers to those vertical slopes on 3 sides as claustrophobic. I never really felt that until I knew I had no way out. So what brought all this up now ? Well last night's rain. Every time it rains continuously, I start wondering when/if it's going to stop. The weathermen had been predicting rain and I knew after such unseasonably warm weather that when it came, it was going to be a good storm. Menacing clouds kept teasing us off and on for days and last night the booger of a storm arrived. We had had lots of hot wind blowing like crazy all day but we had to head into 'town,' leaving the Valley sunshine. There were some some mighty dark menacing clouds awaiting us with the heavens letting loose about 8 and the deluge continued on the journey home. OH joy. (That's sarcasm.) It was like G-d just pulled his thumb out of the dyke. I just kept thinking, I just hope we can make it home. As soon as one downpour was done, another followed... All I can say is I didn't mind the caloric intake of that remainder of that celebratory leftover bubbly after arriving home. BUT then it hit me, would we be able to get out today? What was I thinking re: anxious to get home? Well, we won't know until we head down that country road if we can make it out. Heck, we survived the storm of 2009 in the End of the Rainbow Valley, we can handle anything, right???

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