Monday, January 13, 2025


 MONDAY MUSINGS: Let me reassure all of you that my Midwestern friends found it quite amusing that Arkansas had more snow on the ground than they did this past weekend. 

During my years in the End of the Rainbow Valley when I would mention the snow and cold my childhood buddy Kaye never forgot to remind me "Well, you do live in Wisconsin."  

Well, now I don't and I moved without all my snow removal shovels much to my chagrin as I had promised to do airport runs: one late Friday afternoon and the other early Saturday am. Besides driveway issues, our hilly side streets not only would not be plowed, but there was virtually 0 traffic up/down my street all day Friday. 

It took me 2 hours just to clear the snow for the arc swing of the electric gate. Then, that snow had to be moved to the backyard garden bed to allow me to back up from the carport. 

To say relief flooded me when both parties of the airport runs found alternate rides is an understatement. One had a next-door neighbor with a truck and the second had Minnesotan neighbors. ( Minnesota always got a boatload more snow than we did in Wisconsin, just saying.)

Saturday I was the only one clearing my walkway. Silly me thinking the US Postal Service's creed  would not come to be:  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds

I did finally have a cautious long walk Saturday afternoon in the snowy part of the street ruts avoiding their ice. My snow sculpture didn't get built but the Tylenol bottle did get a workout and is lighter as are those muscles which spoke to me all weekend.

Thank goodness for my early morning Jazzercising stretching them all and getting them to speak a different language... 

BTW: My snow shovel should arrive on Tuesday but perhaps it will be like having an umbrella prevents rain and chase away future snow storms. My muscles will appreciate it.

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