Sunday, January 19, 2025


 MIDWEEK came and went without me demarcating it on time as I was back in the air with a plane that departed early and arrived half an hour early. Go figure. A rarity for sure. I even saw my luggage deplane before me. Shockeroo.

Packing for this winter trip had also been an undertaking for a Southerner as the temps have been cold here in the deep South. Atlanta even got snow from the same storm system, just not as much as the 9 inches that fell upon Little Rock. Two different-weight winter coats made the journey to cover 20 to 50-degree weather. Crazy for sure.

The Atlanta kids wore coats to wait for the bus and returned carrying them at the end of the day. Sprinkle in some nasty drizzle/rainy days sprinkled with high 50's. 

And as a retired teacher knows, kids return tired, off schedule, after the holidays. They also return with lingering coughs from all that socializing. January is usually a tough health month. I had pumped myself with Emergen-C besides all the other vitamins and worn my mask en route.  

As we all know there are some guarantees with travel and the 'new' normal is just not normal...

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