Monday, January 6, 2025


 MONDAY MUSINGS RE: It's a dog's life is an expression which was first recorded in a 16th-century manuscript and alludes to the miserable subservient existence of dogs during this era. By the 1660s there was a proverb: It's a dog's life, hunger, and ease

Today in the 21st century we know how many people would love to  be treated as well as today's pet dogs. Heck, there's an entire aisle devoted to doggy paraphernalia in stores. And the dog food aisle is something else with a lot of choices.

They say if you want to know somebody's character see how they treat their dogs. Is it because our dogs love us no matter what?

During Covid, a lot of people were stuck at home and lonely and they decided to get a dog. Well, now many folks have gone back to work and their new furry friends are burdensome. The shelters are bursting at the seams. Each week there are pleas for fostering/ adopting these four-legged orphans.

It's just not fair.  So one of my New Year's resolutions is to become part of the solution to helping these guys get the care they need whether it involves vet visits/ rehoming transportation/ even a roof over their heads temporarily until they find their forever homes. 

You too CAN help and if you can't physically, maybe you could open up your pocketbooks and donate to the Humane Society/ your local shelters/ alleviating the foster care expenditures for your communities.

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